Explain to a "Non JW", what it's like to be a JW

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Picture yourself sitting at the top of a pillar that is 1 foot by 1 foot. You have sharks swimming below you, waiting for you to fall. You must stand the whole time, and never sit. As you do this, you get things thrown to you over and over and can not drop any of them. The pile gets higher and higher in your arms, the sharks get hungrier and hungrier and your legs are getting weaker and weaker. That is what it is like being a Witness.

  • Abandoned
    Picture yourself sitting at the top of a pillar that is 1 foot by 1 foot. You have sharks swimming below you, waiting for you to fall. You must stand the whole time, and never sit. As you do this, you get things thrown to you over and over and can not drop any of them. The pile gets higher and higher in your arms, the sharks get hungrier and hungrier and your legs are getting weaker and weaker. That is what it is like being a Witness.

    WOW!!! What a brilliant description.

  • jgnat

    Or, as our new CO described it...

    hamster wheel

  • LoverOfTruth

    It's rather difficult for outsiders to comprehend. They think I must be joking.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have some very helpful coworkers that know I am on the OUTS with JW's.
    They don't understand how a religion could be so controlling that my own
    mother would have to totally shun me if they found out what books I am
    reading. When I explain the reasons, all they say is that they did not think
    JW's were so much worse than other religions before, but that's way too much
    control over your life. They are starting to get the picture.

    A coworker explained how his wife could not get married in a certain church
    because of her situation. He said, other than a marriage ceremony, it has
    not effected her life. No big deal- they used a diff. church.

  • blondie
    A coworker explained how his wife could not get married in a certain church
    because of her situation. He said, other than a marriage ceremony, it has
    not effected her life. No big deal- they used a diff. church.

    But what is she were told that none of her family and friends would come to the wedding if she had it at that different church. What non-JWs don't understand is the control the WTS exerts over its members. The WTS says that the tail wags the dog in other religions but that they are the dog that wags the tail.

    When you have been told for years that they only way you can survive Armageddon (the destruction of every non-JW) and live forever in happiness on a Paradise earth with your resurrected family....is to be a baptized JW in good standing.....you will allow that control.


  • restrangled
    Explain to a "Non JW", what it's like to be a JW

    The WTS uses its label of "religion" and its interpretation of "scriptures" to control the way its adherents think, act and speak. The rank and file think, speak and act the same predictable way.

    It isn't about salvation, it is about control.

    They are posers.

  • Mary

    Tell them to watch the episode on Star Trek: The Next Generation, where Jean Luc is assimlated against his will into the Borg. That outta explain it quite well.

  • OnTheWayOut
    A coworker explained how his wife could not get married in a certain church
    because of her situation. He said, other than a marriage ceremony, it has
    not effected her life. No big deal- they used a diff. church.

    But what is she were told that none of her family and friends would come to the wedding if she had it at that different church. What non-JWs don't understand is the control the WTS exerts over its members.

    Blondie, we are on the same wavelength, I think.

    The coworkers are understanding that JW's have a problem being controlled. They can't even
    imagine the depth of that control- how close family would not attend a wedding in the wrong church
    or how my mother would never speak to me because I read a book by Ray Franz.
    We cannot fully explain to non-JW's what it's like to be a JW, but my point is that I just
    explain it, allowing them to see the problems even if they don't fully understand.

    Excellent clarity, Blondie. I never thought of helping them see the point further by expanding
    their problem into a JW problem.

  • avidbiblereader

    It is like explaining to a blind person the color of green. They just sit there and shake their heads and say what?


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