Well, My dad called last night, crying. He says Armageddon's about to start and he doesn't want to lose me. He said I either need to become a good JW and go to the meetings, or he will have to distance himself from me so that he won't be so attached to me when the big A hits. Why do these people get so worked up? I tried to tell him that no one is dying and he said that Satan wants me to think that good people will survive, but that Jehovah's going to kill them anyway. I said, "well doesn't the Bible say he is the god of love?" He said, "yes but his love has limitations, because he has killed innocent children in the past". So I said, "if he's that mean, then why would you want to be on his side?" He said, "but he is loving and doesn't want anyone to die". And me, "but you just said he killed babies, and that's mean". Him, "but he is love". Me, "but that's not loving". Him, "but he is loving". I mean, we went around in CIRCLES. Cra-zy. His initial arguement on the side of the org was the demon talk. He said that no other religion knows what demons are, so JWs must be right about everything else. I told him other religions believe in demons. He said, "no, ALL other religions think that demons are dead people and only JWs know what they are". I said, "no, there are other people out there who believe they are what JWs say they are". His world is so small. He thinks that other religions means Catholics. He forgot that Christianity is a religion, and there are loads of others that aren't Christian. The Bible should be exposed for what it is, and thing that breaks families apart. I can't wait until aliens visit earth and humans start making friends with them. Then where will "jehovah" fit in? Oh wait, they will me materialized demons...right! He also wanted to argue about evolution and stuff. He changes as he goes along just to prove his points. He thinks that if one scientist is wrong, they are all stupid. He said they have no proof of anything they come up with. I think the Bible is lousy proof of anything except for the fact that woman-hating terrorists wrote it and they are still alive in the middle east . Of course, I didn't tell him all that. I pretended to still believe in the Bible. But if he really does keep my sisters away from me, I will DF myself because there will be no reason to stay in. They think I need more friends than my man and sisters, but they just want me to hang out with JWs, yuck. He also said he wants me to be happy. I told him that I am happy (I know I'm happier than him, because he admitted he and mom have been CRYING alot lately over me). He argues that it's impossible for me to be happy without god's holy spirit. Yeah right. These people totally worship the Watchtower and not god, as they say. Isn't he wrong for wanting to DF me out of his, and my family's, life? He is always the first person to want to talk to a DFed guy, yet he feels like he needs to protect his emotions by distancing himself from me. I say, if I'm about to die, couldn't he make my final days happy ones? lol Of course, he lumps all apostates into the same catergory (he thinks ALL ex JWs believe in the trinity). He also believes ALL worldly people believe the same things too. And if they tell me one more time that everyone at the Hall has been asking about me, I am going to say "good for them". I do NOT care, whatsoever, that bro or sis so-in-so asked about me! I don't! Why would that make me do anything? I like my life away from them. It's so sad to hear a grown man crying over some imaginary story. And he argues with me that I'm the one that's not happy! He made it IMPOSSIBLE for me to use the phrase, "I don't want to talk about it". Because he calls and asks weird questions immediately. He wants me to give Jehovah a second chance, *sigh* What to do now? It's not fair to me!
I got the phone call. WARNING, DEPRESSING!
by Schism 36 Replies latest jw friends
I dunno. How about calling him up at Easter and giving him a phone hug, reminding him the big "A" hasn't come yet, and he'd missed out on three more months of daughterly love?
I'm so sorry what you have to go through...I so understand.
darth frosty
Wow I feel for ya. its hard to combat that type of control and propaganda. God is love but he is going to kill all the inocents. He desire's all to be saved...but only a few will be. Sad
He said, "yes but his love has limitations, because he has killed innocent children in the past". So I said, "if he's that mean, then why would you want to be on his side?" He said, "but he is loving and doesn't want anyone to die". And me, "but you just said he killed babies, and that's mean". Him, "but he is love". Me, "but that's not loving". Him, "but he is loving".
Aren't humans strange? If a human named Joe Blow killed 5 innocent people, including children, while claiming to love them he would be called a monster, psycho, etc., and either be locked up or executed. But as soon as someone invisible does the same thing (or threatens to) on a much larger scale we get on our knees and worship him.
Aren't humans strange? If a human named Joe Blow killed 5 innocent people, including children, while claiming to love them he would be called a monster, psycho, etc., and either be locked up or executed. But as soon as someone invisible does the same thing (or threatens to) on a much larger scale we get on our knees and worship him.
I was thinking the same thing.
Wow, I feel for you Schism, but I have to tell you, I read your post to my husband and we both got a good hearty laugh at the utter lack of logic. Poor daddy. My parents went through a phase like this, ironically, it was before we left the organization. They were doing this crying/guilt trip thing while I was still a "good," faithful meeting attender.
After we left, we got quite a bit of the "so and so asked about you..." I took to saying "that's nice, I'm sorry that their phone got disconnected" or " so and so who? I'm sorry, I don't remember them. I'm not sure they ever talked to me..." or "are they the ones that used to have all the parties? yeah, we were never invited to any of those..." hehe.
Of course I don't have younger siblings that are being kept from me. My younger brother is in his 30s, so he makes up his own mind. Some days he shuns me, some days he doesn't.
It gets better, really it does. Maybe the JW family doesn't behave any more rationally, but you learn to deal with it easier. Days like today it can be kind of sad. I'd love to have a houseful of relatives, presents all around and a 7' christmas tree, but it's just the two of us. No family that's not married to that damn organization.
Most of the time though, it's just life. I gave up trying to convince them that I'm happy. Now I just live my life successfully. I'm cheerful when they call, even if they use their "woe is me" voices. I hear that tone far less often now, since they have discovered that voice doesn't affect me much. Interestingly, they call me much more now. I'm lucky, I suppose.
I guess some parents decide that they'd like to cherish whatever time they have left before Armaggedon. (!) Others really do think shunning is "tough love."
Wasanelder Once
Schism, Dad sounds a tad emotional. How old is he? I would say that he's experiencing some sort of stress that is making him react. Of course the Borg is in "the end is near" scare mode and that has a lot to do with it. I would suspect that he wasn't so frazzled until recently. I would imagine that as time passes, and it will, he will balance out if you don't respond in the same "all or nothing" way to him. Keep the lines open and wait. Hopefully he will get over what ever it is that is stressing him. I know that if he's older, it is his own mortality that is stressing him.
All the best,
Sounds like my mom she is always saying the same things you mentioned in your post. I hate hearing the brothers and sisters have been asking about me. I hate the poor me I miss you as if I have gone away. Translation I miss you pretending to believe and going to the meetings.
I know how you feel. You pain is very familiar. Together we here on this board understand.
Heads but high we pay a high price for standing on our own feet with out the BORG telling us how to wipe our ass