Oroborus21, You don't seem to realize precisely how exceptional your upbringing was. I was not raised as a JW, but I did raise my kids that way.
despite that my dad was the presiding overseer and literally had built the congregation, I was permitted to play little league, participate in the spelling bees, science fairs, etc. as a kid.
My son participated in science fairs for two years because it was required by his teacher. I pitched in and assisted him and he did well.
However, this same teacher pleaded with us to allow him to prepare for college "because he needs to play intellectually." Smart woman – that was the button to hit, because the money and success buttons had been double-whammied by JW indoctrination and hippie sympathies.
We turned a deaf ear.
When I got older during my teen years, my dad went inactive for a decade
And here we come to the source of your denial of our experience. For about ten years, you were raised as a worldling. You have not really shared our experience!
which worked out perfectly as I was totally free to continue sports, lettered in three sports Junior high and two varsity, do clubs, honor society, I planned and decorated our Prom, and went to both Junior and Senior proms [etc.]
We took our son out of school in junior high and taught him at home – not, however for religious reasons; the school environment was actually pretty bad. Had we left him in school, though, we would never have allowed him any of this – because the prevailing "wisdom" in the congregations we attended forbade all of it. We even felt a little defensive about our decision to let him enroll in the GATE program – and we never discussed it with any JWs until after the fact.
I also stayed out as late as I want and was at home whenever I wanted.
We kind of drifted in this direction when our son was of high school age – but by then he had shown himself to be sober, trustworthy, and a sound judge of character. We also knew and trusted the kids he associated with.
Nevertheless, he was leading a double life (but in a sober and trustworthy manner ) I'm not entirely sure he was a virgin when he left home but at the time we suspected nothing.
I was never made to go in service, join the ministry school or attend meetings but I did go to meetings as much as I wanted and usually tried to take my mother.
Another difference between us. We had it ground into us even before we began attending meetings ourselves that attendance and field service were our lifeline. If we went, the kids had to go.
Despite our fanaticism, we were often inactive, "spiritually weak." Now, of course, I'm thankful for that fact, but at the time we were perpetually guilty and ashamed.
gently feral