Confused about the JW dating system

by Wendy_Warden 25 Replies latest social relationships

  • orbison11

    and in my case, you can remarry 12 hours, (YES) after your divorce is finalized,,,like my x did

    now how can that be? you tell me,,,i guess it was,,,well, dont get me going,,,i am in a good mood this season lol

  • SirNose586

    Out in Liberal Dubland I'm pretty sure we can double date. I won't know...the pickin's are slim round my neck of the woods.

  • 5go
    Holding hands, and a very quick kiss on the lips are the limits to showing affection

    Not any more the said no to this as well.

  • Euphemism

    I should add that a lot of these unwritten rules vary among different regions of the US, and among more liberal or conservative congregations. For example, in the congregations in New York where I lived for several years, dates in a public place--e.g. a restaurant--were usually unchaperoned; but couples couldn't be alone in a private home. In more conservative areas, e.g. the Midwest, it's a lot more common for congregations to expect all dates to be chaperoned.

    OTOH, the official rule that's constant across all congregations is: nothing beyond first base before marriage. Obviously there's a lot of hypocrisy, kids fooling around in secret, etc. but anything from second base on up can be a disfellowhipping offense.

    P.S. In response to 5go... I guess that falls into the unwritten rules, which varied by congregation, but I think that generally holding hands and/or kissing was only accepted after engagement.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation
    As well as the sensible reasons from highlander it's also a clever spin on an old Woody Allen joke
    Oh? Please Explain!

    It was a joke that Allen had in his standup routine about Jewish girls not believing in sex after marriage.

    The comments about JW's having badly matched marriages is so true. I saw so many oddly matched couples who tied the knot just because they were desperate for the sexual experience.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    How does the Jehovah's Witness courtship system benefit it's members? Obviously there are many that are in this organization that are dating and getting married. Something must be working in order for it to still be how it is now as it was in the early 1900's, and I would like to know how this old tradition has survived with this organization. Are they just that isolated?

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