I ran them off !

by oldflame 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldflame

    LOL I'm not a bad guy either but I sure felt bad when I scared them. (GOOD BAD)

    Well, I am wondering what kind of a person you truly want to be. Did you feel good about yourself? What you displayed to me was bad manners to ladies. I never have thought there was a time or place for that. That is surely not the way Jesus treated people; rather, even if they were less than kind to him, he treated them with respect and dignity.

    I am wondering why you would think that your tenants cannot speak for themselves? Do you feel that they do not have the intelligence necessary to to think for themselves? If necessary, you could print up a flier and outline the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, some that they may not be aware of. This would arm them beforehand so that they could be ready for the witnesses when they come. That way, not only would you be making your tenants informed, but perhaps they could impart some of the "new" information to the witnesses when they came. If I was in your complex and a priest came, or Mormans, or any organization, I would want to make my own decision as to whether I wanted to speak to them.

    At any rate, I never feel that bad manners make anyone look amusing or gentlemanly. If anything, they make me think of Pharisees and elders who assume that they have the God given authority to treat people any way they please. This is the main reason I and many others left the organization--because of unloving treatment


    You have no idea what I went through with the Jehovahs Witnesses in my past and I am here to tell you that I have damn good reason for my anger. So you have no room to judge my actions and if you were in my shoes I'll just bet your actions might not be much different than mine. My tenants tell me that they are glad that I keep them away from our doors so it is not all bad. Further more I did not show those ladies any anger or bitterness I just politely told them they were trespassing and that the next time I would call the police.

    So don't tell me how much of an ass I was because I was not being an ass I just don't want them on my property ! Simply put...

  • oldflame

    And I will add that my anger is not so much with the people of this cult organisation but against those who teach their lies. The Society themselves.

  • hillbilly

    last contact I had with the locals.... the mob that moved my ex wifes stuff out. I made all of them sign a notice that stated they had read the court order that she or her agent were not to remove assets from the property lest those agents would be summoned later. All the nitwits signed. Go figure.

    None have EVER been back. I wonder why? The pistol on my lap and Deputy who escorted them away maybe had something to do with it?


  • Confession
    I never feel that bad manners make anyone look amusing or gentlemanly. If anything, they make me think of Pharisees and elders who assume that they have the God given authority to treat people any way they please.

    Quandry, I respect your opinon about this, but disagree. In this matter, it is Jehovah's Witnesses who "assume they have the God given authority" to do as they please. As I'm sure you may know, they commonly flout community restrictions like this one. I respect the liberty that goes with living in a free country, but one of these liberties means people can set reasonable rules regarding access to their private property. It is Jehovah's Witnesses who scoff at this right, thinking their own interests are more important than that of others.

    I am wondering why you would think that your tenants cannot speak for themselves?

    A person who owns a house has the right to tell JWs not to come back. The WTS has long recognized this; therefore the "Do Not Call" list. A person who owns an apartment complex also has the right to tell JWs not to come back--unless, as Old Flame says, they already have a relationship with someone dwelling there. In my experience, most people appreciate and value their landlord making this provision.

    What you displayed to me was bad manners to ladies.

    "Bad manners" are diplayed with someone demonstrates a lack of respect for someone else. This, again, is what the JWs are doing when they ignore someone else's property rights. To inform people that they are trespassing on private property and violating community rules is the right and proper thing to do. Should all such rules be forgotten when those violating them are "ladies"?

    That is surely not the way Jesus treated people; rather, even if they were less than kind to him, he treated them with respect and dignity.

    Jesus also spoke his mind, didn't he? To religiously haughty people, he had many strong words. He screamed and used a whip of ropes to drive out people he thought were violating the sanctity of the temple.

    Letting these ladies know they were violating community rules--and letting them know the consequences of future violations cannot be considered disrespectful or undignified.

  • Quandry

    It was my out spokeness that got me into trouble with the JW's and my JW mother. You are exactly right about this. Jw's do not like people who speak up and tact ? yeah I guess I could learn how to use tact a little better, but I am one person who when has something to say even if it hurts I say it. That just drives a JW nuts. These are your own words from a previous post. Sound familiar? I was certainly not in your shoes; believe me, I had enough being in the "shoes" that I had to wear. In my case, it was not me that was initially treated badly, they treated my only child as if she was garbage not worthy of living--after falsely accusing her, then calling her a liar.I can tell you that a mother or father would far rather take the foul treatment themselves than to have this happen to their child. Of course, after that, my husband and I were treated equally as badly, to the point that we both struggled just to want to live for two years. I suspect that many of us on this forum have been to the same "shoe store." I try to keep in mind this quote from George Washington Carver: "How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these." I hope that in time you will learn compassion, tenderness, and tolerance. It will look better on you. (By the way, Jesus was not driving out ladies, he was driving out money grubbing men--maybe I am getting old and out of tune with society in general but I still feel that real men do not treat ladies in this fashion--no matter what the supposed reason)

  • Confession
    (By the way, Jesus was not driving out ladies, he was driving out money grubbing men..

    Quandry, here is the actual biblical account (Matthew 21:12) from three different translations...

    NASB: And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves.

    GWT: Jesus went into the temple courtyard and threw out everyone who was buying and selling there. He overturned the moneychangers' tables and the chairs of those who sold pigeons.

    KJV: And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

    I have read a number of other translations, seeing no reference to the sex of those Jesus 'drove out.' Since we know families traveled together to the temple, there must have been men and women involved in the buying and selling.

    --maybe I am getting old and out of tune with society in general but I still feel that real men do not treat ladies in this fashion--no matter what the supposed reason)

    "No matter the supposed reason?" Really? So it doesn't matter what a lady does? Doesn't matter how disrespectful she is? Doesn't matter how many laws or rules she breaks? Men are not even to inform them of their infractions? I submit that it is attitudes like this that give so many "ladies" the idea that they can run ramshackle over men. And plenty of them are doing just that.


    As the landlord, oldflame had already asked the JW's not to come on the property. They should have noted that on the territory card. To use a little stronger language was not out of line! Think of all the aggravated tenants.... When I think back on going door to door, I wish more people would have told us NOT to come back! It sure would have saved me a lot of wasted time and effort.


  • Quandry

    No matter the supposed reason?" Really? So it doesn't matter what a lady does? Doesn't matter how disrespectful she is? Doesn't matter how many laws or rules she breaks? Men are not even to inform them of their infractions? I submit that it is attitudes like this that give so many "ladies" the idea that they can run ramshackle over men. And plenty of them are doing just that.


    When I was pregnant with my child, I went to an apartment to preach. The manager came and began yelling that he'd already told us to leave and that we'd better, etc. I replied that I had never seen him before in my life. He softened and agreed that, yes, it hadn't been me he'd spoken to. He realized that I shouldn't have to take the brunt of his anger against all Witnesses.

    That is precisely what I meant when I said that the poster didn't need to be angry at the ladies who came to his apartment. We don't need to take out our anger with the WTS on unsuspecting dubs who may be doing their best to serve God. I was one of the sincere ones who felt that there may be deserving people in apartments that must be reached.

    Rarely do two Jehovah's Witness women qualify for your description of disrespectful lawbreakers. No one said that they could not be informed that the Witnesses had been asked not to come on the property, just respectfully, without "scaring them" as the poster admitted he did.

    If you feel that this attitude is wrong, then we hopefully can agree to disagree. I have been treated badly by the WTS; I do not plan on treating any person (not even men) badly in the hopes that I somehow will "get back at them" by my actions.

  • Confession
    I walked up to them and calmly said that this is the second warning that they were trespassing on my property and that no Jehovah's Witnesses are aloud on this property knocking on doors...But I told them next time I was just going to call the police and have them arrested.

    Quandry, what fault really do you find with the original, posted scenario? It seems you may have allowed bad memories of a former experience to color what really happened in this case.

    We don't need to take out our anger with the WTS on unsuspecting dubs who may be doing their best to serve God.

    And we don't need to take out our anger for a personal experience we once had--on Old Flame who merely approached the women "calmly" with a justified warning.

  • Quandry

    There are no posted signs but I think I scared the living hell out of those two women. LOL I'm not a bad guy either but I sure felt bad when I scared them. (GOOD BAD)


    This is what I had a problem with. I am not angry with this person. I was just sad and not amused as he was when he said that he scared the living hell out of those two women. I thought it unnecessary I have just lived long enough to know that it is better to treat people as we would like to be treated. If all people put these words into practice, as Mohandas Ghandi said, we would not have the problems in the world that we have now.


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