LOL I'm not a bad guy either but I sure felt bad when I scared them. (GOOD BAD)
Well, I am wondering what kind of a person you truly want to be. Did you feel good about yourself? What you displayed to me was bad manners to ladies. I never have thought there was a time or place for that. That is surely not the way Jesus treated people; rather, even if they were less than kind to him, he treated them with respect and dignity.
I am wondering why you would think that your tenants cannot speak for themselves? Do you feel that they do not have the intelligence necessary to to think for themselves? If necessary, you could print up a flier and outline the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, some that they may not be aware of. This would arm them beforehand so that they could be ready for the witnesses when they come. That way, not only would you be making your tenants informed, but perhaps they could impart some of the "new" information to the witnesses when they came. If I was in your complex and a priest came, or Mormans, or any organization, I would want to make my own decision as to whether I wanted to speak to them.
At any rate, I never feel that bad manners make anyone look amusing or gentlemanly. If anything, they make me think of Pharisees and elders who assume that they have the God given authority to treat people any way they please. This is the main reason I and many others left the organization--because of unloving treatment
You have no idea what I went through with the Jehovahs Witnesses in my past and I am here to tell you that I have damn good reason for my anger. So you have no room to judge my actions and if you were in my shoes I'll just bet your actions might not be much different than mine. My tenants tell me that they are glad that I keep them away from our doors so it is not all bad. Further more I did not show those ladies any anger or bitterness I just politely told them they were trespassing and that the next time I would call the police.
So don't tell me how much of an ass I was because I was not being an ass I just don't want them on my property ! Simply put...