Thanks everyone for your supporting thoughts. Ya know you can please some of the people some of the time but ya can't please all the people all the time. Did I say that right ? LOL
I ran them off !
by oldflame 75 Replies latest jw friends
Actually, I can see that we have two points to agree on.
I Never raised my voice or use profound language. You will need a dictionary for this one.
I am not a rude prick to anyone unless they really deserve it and if anyone has been rude here it is you for your assumptions and accusations against me.
Your apt (you might need a dictionary here, also) description, and I can see that you like to have the last word.
Check out the ruling for WTBTS v Village of Stratton
Chief Justice Rehnquist, dissenting. Last paragraph in his opinion.
"As the Court recognizes, any homeowner may place a "No Solicitation" sign on his or her property, and it is a crime to violate that sign"
Give them a copy of this and it should end the knockin'
Then call the cops.
I agree with Quandry here; this was like some kind of power trip for you. At least this is the impression I get. This quote from you here says it all:
..."I think I scared the living hell out of those two women. LOL I'm not a bad guy either but I sure felt bad when I scared them. (GOOD BAD)"
You then come here patting yourself on the back. Tough guy here oldflame, "scaring the hell out of those two women".
Sure, real tough!
I'm not impressed. -
Vinny, this is ground already covered. If OldFlame was both "calm" and "polite," how possibly can you find fault with him? And if this ended up scaring these women, can you really blame him? If you are calm and polite to me, and I become scared, should we blame you? These women knew the score. JWs are told by the elders themselves to preach in these complexes in spite of the rules. Deep down, they know they are probably breaking the rules. All OldFlame might need to say is "Excuse me" to them--and they'll jump. And when they do, it's not OldFlame's fault. It's their own conscience.
johnny cip
quandry ; your still CRYING... why? from this thread it clear Old flame has no tresspassing signs up. and has asked ,for his property to be a DO NOT CALL. for some time. WHAT PART OF no jw's or tresspassing . are you having a problem with. what part of no don't you understand? no means no mean no , and still means no. i have a problem with ppl like you that just don't get it. if you like i will go over it with you. start by writing out. 100x's what the meaning of no jw's mean and what the do not call list means. and include . why jw's can't read a simple sign. then explain why jw's have ROCKS in thier heads. and can't understand a simple NO. NOW get to work and write that 100x's maybe then you will understand. don't come to class without your punishment. or i'll make you write it out 1000x's john
Quandry knows she's in the wrong and being hysterical, that's why she's resorted to attacking OldFlame with the "get a dictionary" standby insult. Quandry, I've got one for you: Why don't you get out YOUR dictionary and look up "ad hominem."
Good on ya OldFlame. There's absolutely not a thing wrong with firmly and respectfully telling JWs that they are trespassing and they do not have your permission to proselytize your private complex. They should know by now that trespassing is actionable, but there's no reason to refrain from reminding them. :) They were probably scared because they already knew you would be well within your rights to call the police.
I have no problems with oldflame asking JW's to stay away from his complex. This is quite reasonable as we all know.
Maybe "some have a problem with this" because "some" are new here, refuse to take into account any further clarification, don't know the character of the man and are making huge ASSumptions.
I have no problems with oldflame asking JW's to stay away from his complex. This is quite reasonable as we all know.
However, what I DO have an issue with is just HOW oldflame comes across macho and sadistic-like in his little "scaring" the JW's away.So you admit he did nothing wrong. You just don't like the way he "came across" on this board. Well I don't like the way you come across on this board--all 'macho and bad-ass-like.'
JWs have come into his complex before. He's told them not to return. They keep coming back. He "calmly" and "politely" tells them they're not allowed to knock on doors there. They get scared. While he never intended to scare them, he gets a kick at the way they appeared scared. You don't think he should feel this way, so you come in here, accusing him of all sorts of stuff you have NO knowledge of.
Whatever anger he has DID NOT come through in his "calmly" and "politely" warning them of their violation. He admits their reaction made him feel bad. If his justified anger for JWs only comes through in his getting a kick out of their reaction--and it ends up feeling like a "good kind of bad," who are you to tell him he's on an ego trip? Should he come in here with a sanitized version of events, claiming their unexpected reaction to his warning produced no chuckle? Perhaps you could create for us a an "Emotional Constitution for Ex-JWs" listing what reactions are and are not acceptable for one and all. Maybe then we could all measure up to what you regard as "class."