Really, I mean it - why? If a creator god is real and he is the source of life well then I would certainly acknowledge that and give him thanks for my existence and for the universe I live in. But obedience?
I think of it this way. My Mum and Dad gave me life, ensured my education, looked after my health and wellbeing, loved me, taught me the value of kindness and friendships and so much more. I will always be grateful and I will never stop respecting them. However, I won't always obey them.
As a grown man with a wife and three children of my own wouldn't it be a bit odd if I always, unquestioningly obeyed my parents? In truth, the instances of disobedience are rare but they have happened. We all still love each other and my parents haven't decided to bring their vengeance down upon me and smite me into nothingness.
Why does god make such demands of us? Why is it, 'obey me or die'? Does god actually deserve our obedience? If you think so, please, please tell me why!