Ross:Nonsense! I have a soul, a conscience, a sense of morality and purpose - or do you think that these things can only exist if a Creator is there to place them inside me? I also - most definately - have free will.
I am more than "just a bunch of chemical reactions contained in a sack of water". Why do you think that the lack of a Creator would denigrate the human condition so? Here I am Ross, as human and 'divine' as any other man or woman who has ever lived. I don't have the creativity of Da Vinci or the mind of Einstein, but I share my origins with both of them whether those origins stem from the mind of god or the force of natural selection.
God is not needed to explain me and I certainly owe him no obedience, I do however owe human warmth, kindness, love and fuzziness to all my friends here!!
Happy New Year!!