Good question!
Surely a god who made everything in the universe, or infinite universes would have far more important things to do, than be demanding obedience from a species, that lives on a planet which pales into insignificance when compared to the vast universe or universes.
When we look into the Mosaic Law with all its tedious requirements that micro manage even dress codes, when and who to have sex with, what you can eat, etc..and the fact that these laws often carry the death penalty as punishment for violations. One has to wonder, what is the point?
Why all the anger too? Why would god get so angry when someone didn't obey his micro management? If he is so great and perfect why would he get mad at all, at something he made that is predisposed to live differently than the way he wants them to? It is a bit like a person that makes something and it doesn't work the way it was intended to and so the person throws a tantrum, and proceeds to take his anger out on the the thing made, which is a form of insanity, instead of making the repairs to the faulty device.
It also presumes that god has the same primative feelings of anger, and frustation he often condems humans for having. Just not logical nor rational, and very small minded to say the least. Clearly this god was invented in the minds of those that saw god to be just like themselves. It is so easy to do, many still do it today, they project thier likes and dislikes onto an inivisible god that feels just like they do, this type of projection is often behind thier claims that god is going to punish those that hurt them, because they project thier feelinging of anger or hurt onto this inisible diety and proclaim god will repay or bring vengence on those that have injured them, they fail to see what they are really doing is just projecting thier feelings onto a invisible diety.
The small mindedness of the biblical god is clearly due to the small mindedness of those that invented him. The biblical claim that god created man in his image or likeness is really, a cover up of the fact that the reverse is true, for really the god of the bible was created in the image of men.