With the all the best intentions :
Now I think hanging is way too humane for him. I really do. Theres nothing that could even begin to balance the evil he has done. Even dunking him in one of his own acid vats, subjecting him to his own chemical attacks, sticking him in his own torture chamber Abu Ghareb, (which we have now shamefully taken over with enthusiasm) would be too good for him.
Is this what passes for 'grown up' thinking in your estimation? The introduction of retribution and revenge into a justice system will always diminish it. If you can provide empirical evidence that 'an eye for an eye' sort of justice actually serves society in any way, I will be more than willing to read it. At the most base part of my heart I am a believer in the 'Nicolae Ceausescu' school of political accountability, but my animal reactions will never overcome my intelligence. If that were to happen, then all is lost.
I will admit to being suprised at your comments on this thread, as I understand that you are a teacher? Are you comments above what you would be proud for your students to read?
As to the IQ quip, introduced by Justice One, well sometimes ad hominem is the very best response to inanity and mediocrity of thought, of which numerous examples exist on this board, including the one quoted above. Mediocrity of thought is not of course a crime, but when worn proudly and in ignorance, it does tend to become a target.
Dignifying stupidity with anything but an ad hominem reaction is futile in such circumstances. Why should opinions that are obviously ill-founded, badly researched, morally incompetent and snatched from the most embryonic of thoughts be taken seriously enough to deserve proper debate? One looks at the pattern of a posters comments and knows roughly where the brain lies, and some persons who carry a clear agenda with them, like Justice One, are not open to debate and not here to learn.