The great day of Jehovah is near Zeph 1:14

by free2beme 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I can not fathom how much I heard this, and it always puzzled me the world NEAR. You see, when I use the word near, I say things like "I live near California" and I live about thirty miles from California. I say my in-laws live NEAR me, and they live about ten minutes away. I say, the weekend is NEAR and it is only three days away. NEAR in these comments make sense, as the things being referenced are in fact, NEAR.

    NEAR : close; to a point or place not far away:

    So I read scriptures like this and thing, what does near mean here? I get answers like, it is NEAR in the mind and yet when I think NEAR in my mind, it still comes out of something that should be close. When was this scripture written? Over two thousand years ago. When did Witnesses say the end was near, yesterday, last week or last year? No, since 1870's. Wow, what a stretch to the word NEAR, for it does make it sound like it is only days away and yet it was written thousands of years ago and has been warned about for over a century. Just not adding up. So in the spirit of trying to speak like a Witness, I felt I should reexamine how I use NEAR.

    Where is Oregon? Oh, it is NEAR Europe.

    Where is the Moon? NEAR the sun.

    Where is New York? Very NEAR Hawaii.

    Where is Disneyland? It is NEAR Iceland.

    How would you like to get driving instructions from a person who used NEAR like a Witness? Wouldn't that make you frustrated to know the turn you were suppose to make, that was supposedly near McDonald's was actually seven blocks away from McDonald's. NEAR is what is said in definition, and other use of it to try and justify some scripture that is obvious another example of being misapplied writings and to use that whole NEAR the heart crap, is just reaching to try and put value to something that is obviously worthless. Yet, how often did you read something like this and think "Oh, it is so NEAR." It is just stupid, and I am NEAR the end of my post now. Finally, a proper use of the word NEAR.

  • searching4truth

    The wts is near to an accurate interpretation of the scriptures by their stretch of the word.

    I totally agree with you F2BM

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Free2beme........

    I understand your dilemma. It has to do with one's frame of reference and hair color:

    Two Blondes in conversation:

    What do you think is nearer, Florida or the moon?

    I dunno, Florida?

    Hello! Can you see Florida?!?

    Sorry; it's late and I'm near to falling asleep. Sure glad the bed is near. Morning is soon. A new day is at hand.

    CoCo zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There is an excellent discussion on the meaning of the word 'near' here.

  • avidbiblereader

    And yet one day "near" will be "here", as you travel to either time or a destination, you will inevitably get to the point that you are traveling to, I for one think that we are nearer than we think. I can't believe that I have been out of school for 27 1/2 years already.


  • Narkissos
    I for one think that we are nearer than we think

    I'm not sure I can think that near.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    I for one, don't think we are near but

    HERE, in the great day of Jehovah.

  • blondie

    And then there is "rapidly approaching" "just around the corner" and "on the threshold"

    "Very soon now" seems to be a popular phrase.

    The Christians waited only 37 years for the end of Jerusalem and Israel.

    If 1914 is the date, the WTS is 56 years off with their parallel prediction (1914 + 37 = 1951)

  • frankiespeakin

    I can only, comment on the english use of the word. Near is a relative term that denotes close as oppsed to far away. But it relative depending on ones relative size or the relative size of the objects. Nearness to the sun could cover millions of miles or light years, nearness of two people may be a few feet or a few miles depending on the context.

    But when it come to bible thumpers who are talking about a day of vengence nearness is very very relative and can mean thousands of years to a few months. WIth reguards to the WT interpetion, nearness could mean 1975 or the 2000 or within some vague idea of a gerenration, or anything that else that the FDS wants it to mean.

    As to the prophesy of Zeph. 1:14 contexts is crucial and consideration of the people it was written to long ago should be considered. Apearently the nearness would be in the distant past and not some furture nearness to our time.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I'm so near to giving a crap about this....


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