by Mary 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    BrentR asked: I was washing some glasses last night and several of them clinked together, they even were under water so they did have liquid in them. I feel so dirty now. Does this make me oneof "the bad people" ?

    Well Bro. Brent, it sounds like this might be a conscience matter since it was apparently an accident. Even so, mature Christians want to take every precaution not to let this sort of thing happen on a regular basis, as it could weaken your mind and allow a place for the Devil to enter. Making a habit of allowing glasses to make a clinking noise could easily stumble a fellow believer. Take the matter to Jehovah in prayer and then discuss the matter with one of the elders. Even if they chose to disfellowship you to keep the congregation pure and unblemished, remember that 'whom Jehovah loves he disciplines'.

    OK.....everyone can quit gagging now!

    AKJeff said: Mary - did you notice the entire last paragraph, leading up to your highlighted portion, seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with the matter at hand - except that it states in so many words that Jehovah's witnesses must be different.

    Yep......that's generally why they do ALL the things they do: to be seen as "different" from other religions. It makes absolutely no difference whatsoever if their rulings on what's allowed and what's not allowed, makes any sense or not. That generally goes right over the JW's head. What they do remember is that "we're different", reinforcing the notion that "we're right."

  • bikerchic

    OMG this thread has me laugh out loud!

    When I was a JW my X husband and I hung out with what in our area was called the "B" group of JW's. Sorta the rowdy biker types, yeah some of them were even elders with harleys! We did a lot of private partying and with our children in tow....we did a lot of celebrating each other's anniversaries (sanctioned ya know by the WTS) We always did a toast to the couple, we always did a toast at our 4th of July parties while lighting the desert on fire with firecrackers too!

    Okay point of this little rant is when comes time for my 2nd daughter to get married she (hubby and I are divorced at this time) wanted to have a champagne toast and Daddy refused to pay for the champagne because 1 the price an extra $500 and 2 JW's don't do toasts! LOL!!! She called him on that one and reminded him of his doings of years ago. Anyway she paid for the booze and her sister said the toast and Daddy sure enjoyed drinking the champagne! Jerk.

    *clink* Cheers!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yep......that's generally why they do ALL the things they do: to be seen as "different" from other religions. It makes absolutely no difference whatsoever if their rulings on what's allowed and what's not allowed, makes any sense or not. That generally goes right over the JW's head. What they do remember is that "we're different", reinforcing the notion that "we're right."

    Yep - may I toast and drink to that as a fact? [clink]

  • Paisley


    It's interesting that you say that Steve, because page 28 of the very same WT has a article called "Why Avoid Extremes?"

    Oh my - perfect example of both the org's extremism and its constant self-contradiction! LOL!


  • Pleasuredome

    this thread's just reminded me of a classic dave allen monologue....

    "When you actually think about the properties of alcohol. The damage it does to you – it destroys your brain cells, gives you enormous headaches, double vision, DTs, destroys your stomach lining, your bladder, your kidney, your liver. And yet we say: ‘Good health!’ We say: ‘Cheers! Good health! Long life! Happiness!’ We should actually be saying: ‘Misery! Short life! Bad health!’ That whole thing’s very odd: I mean, have you ever seen anybody toast somebody with a glass of milk? No! We never pick up anything that’s healthy, like a glass of water or a cup of tea, and say: ‘Good health!’ If you’re in a bar, you’ll look across, raise your glass and go: ‘Cheers! Good health!’ But if you were in a café with a cup of coffee, you wouldn’t raise it and go: ‘Good health!’ "

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Interesting how they skip over the pagan origins of the wedding rings, not establishing that as being wrong. Then they provide evidence about toasting as being wrong. Nice to be able to pick and chose what truth is for everybody. I noticed at my brothers wedding they wern't allowed throwing rice either. What a bunch of killjoys. It would be interesting to see if anyone would ever tell them to f off if they said " no,"to wedding dresses and "no" to rings. These are the same folks that told me I could not be party to either, of my only brothers weddings. Too bad, cuz they arn't invited to mine if it ever happens. My family that is.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    There is so much in every day life that can be traced to paganism. The days of the week all have pagan roots: Sun-day, Moon-day, Tiw's-day, Woden's-day, Thor's-day, Freyja-day, Saturn-day. The GB should make up a QFR regarding "true christians" using a calendar.

    I wonder why the GB picks on toasting? I'd guess because a) toasting is usually kind of fun and b) toasting makes someone feel special, both no-no's in JW land. Did the GB make up this QFR because this is the time of year people start planning weddings and grad parties? I noticed that the answer to the fictional QFR stresses toasting with alcohol only. If the glasses being clinked together are filled with non-alcoholic wine is the toast then non-pagan and acceptable?

    The answer did refer to the practice of lifting one's hands to God. Have you ever heard a JW mock people of other faiths for raising hands during their services? So what is the right attitude toward raising one's hands during worship? Is it right or wrong? I'm really glad that I don't have to try keeping all this BS straight anymore.


  • Rabbit

    Aww...the WT godz know they can't push the truly faithful too far without a mass exodus. If they ever 'outlawed' wedding rings and the sisters could no longer show off their pretty rocks -- they'd walk away! Mama would not be happy.

    Geez, you'd think the WT would admit the pagans had some good ideas.Like fire, paper, wheels, WD-40, etc. How many 'real' Christians and good pre-Jesus Jewish inventors have there been ?

    Hey Pagans...Cheers ! *clink!*


  • steve2

    This is a great thread. It reminds me of a question I had about the "traditional" English white wedding dress, train and veil and how it reeks of ancient royal paganism - yet, female JWs the world over adorn this dress, train and veil on the day of their wedding without a skint of bothered conscience. How convenient. Pagan influences are inescapable, and attempting to rank them in terms of their acceptability is a supremely vain and idiotic task.

    BTW, either Rutherford or one of his cranky peers tried to advance a calendar that renamed both the days of the week and months of the year so as to escape the taint of paganism. Talk about straining the gnats...

  • BrentR

    LOL!!!!! I tried praying about it but all I got was the answering machine with a pre-recorded message. "If you clinked liquid filled glasses while simultaneousely having a good thought press one." Then "If you wish this message to be repeated in hebrew press two".

    So I decided just to be happy with being one of the bad people, beside we throw better parties (and have clean pagan glasses).

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