How do I have everlasting life?

by soulfinder 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • soulfinder

    Well whether you believe it or not, He's not just God when you believe in Him. He helps you all the time, with or without your faith. One thing does happen when you believe in Him though, He completely changes your heart, so that you will find it hard to do wroung, and easy to love and be good.

    Perhaps if I gave you a little of my history it would help:

    Ex-con, ex-drugdealer, ex-metalhead. I used to think believers were nuts, especially when they did things like fasting. When I landed in prison, I read the whole bible exept for psalms. I needed a bible of my own, and asked the chaplain (Pastor on the unit) for a bible. He said they didn't have any. I got down that night and said to God "if this is something you want for me, please send me a bible. The next day, another inmate came by (without my asking) with about 4-5 bibles and handed me one of them. God answered me. Since then I have had hepititis c healed, seen other people healed, heard the voice of the Lord, and have seen many miracles.

    If I was only hearing a voice that did not exist, then the voice could not do miracles, or answer my prayer. It would not love me, and take care of me.

    I know this is hard to believe, but let me ask you this:

    How many people out there claim that Jesus did something for them? How many people out there believe in Jesus?

    There is either a really big confusion, or maybe He really does exist.

    I assure you, I am quite sound. Schizphrenics don't even make sense when they talk. Their sentences are usually broken, and confused, and most of the time they cannot function.

  • Pleasuredome

    i've experienced things that i could put down to miracles, i could attribute them to myself just as much as i could to jesus, quetzalcoatl, allah etc.

    how many out there claim that a god other than jesus did something for them? how many out there dont believe in jesus? its not a numbers game. maybe the cunfusion lies in how people perceive their experience.

    i'm not saying you arent sound. maybe you're more sound than the majority of people in that maybe you have a deeper connection to the mind than most. maybe that is what genius is, who knows. what i'm saying is that your perception of your experience with voices is based on your knowledge and world view, and i would suggest that your beliefs go as far to influence how that voice speaks to you.

    i'm not saying that this is something that is wrong or detrimental to you and you should seek help. what happens in your mind may well be good for you, but not for everyone else.

  • JamesThomas

    Soulfinder, thank you for your reply.

    Congratulations for cleaning up your life; but that does not explain why your idea of god is in some ways less than normal people who give without any need for acceptance or acknowledgment. In fact they may do so anonymously without anyone knowing where the help came from. Jesus needs acceptance before he gives you reward (your "everlasting life"). Such a need, proves he is incomplete and lacking. Not pure and divine.

    What is whole and complete already? What includes everyone and everything, no matter of beliefs or lack of them? What is truly without beginning and without end? As long as we attribute conditions and limits to God, as the Bible does, then we give significance to small creatures of the mind, and find ourselves arguing for a lesser god, rather than striving to awaken to the boundless vastness which all gods and things reside within.

    Your idea of god may have indeed been a benefit for you. Just don't fool yourself into thinking your idea of god is the end of it. Question your god and hold his ass to the fire. Demand to know, not what he is, but what you really are.......because if the true God has no beginning and no end, then what does that ultimately and presently, make you?


  • soulfinder

    Hmmm, that is an interesting perspective.

    One thing does remain though, and it is in your hands. I challenge you to do this:

    Ask allah to reveal Himself to you, then ask buddah, then ask any other god you can think of. When you are done with those guys, ask Jesus and see what happens. If there are other gods, surely they'll answer. If it's all untrue, Jesus won't either. If you look at it logically, you have nothing to lose save time. But if you don't, there is still the issue of paying for everything wroung you have ever done, the consequences of which may vary. You may lose out on knowing your creator. You may even be condemned to hell.

    When I say that I don't mean to misrepresent my God, or His decisions. He doesn't send people to hell for not believing in Him. That is determined by what you have done in your life. What He does do when you believe in Him is forgive you for the things YOU have done (no matter what they are).

    I hope you see that there really isn't much reason not to ask Jesus if He is there, or to seek His help.

  • Satanus

    if you don't, there is still the issue of paying for everything wroung you have ever done, the consequences of which may vary. You may lose out on knowing your creator. You may even be condemned to hell.

    What He does do when you believe in Him is forgive you for the things YOU have done (no matter what they are).

    I hope you see that there really isn't much reason not to ask Jesus if He is there, or to seek His help.

    Same old, same old. Get back under your bridge.


  • JamesThomas

    Actually, I considered myself a Christian most of my adult life and thought of Jesus as my lord and master. I've been there.

    Ask allah to reveal Himself to you, then ask buddah, then ask any other god you can think of. When you are done with those guys, ask Jesus and see what happens. If there are other gods, surely they'll answer. If it's all untrue, Jesus won't either. If you look at it logically, you have nothing to lose save time. But if you don't, there is still the issue of paying for everything wroung you have ever done, the consequences of which may vary. You may lose out on knowing your creator. You may even be condemned to hell.

    I know longer reduce God to a deity, personage, or circumscribable fragment somewhere within the universe. I give it no name.

    If god condemns me to hell, because I refuse to belittle and shrink it to some anthropomorphic personage, then god is a fool, and I guess I deserve to burn as I could never ever worship a fool.


  • soulfinder

    satanus, I hope you consider these things. If we are right, how do you think God feels about you picking on His people? What things do you do right now that you will have to answer for?

    Jesus is very forgiving, but He is a judge, and you will have to answer to Him.

    More than that, if you were to turn to Him, He could give you peace, and even bless your life to where you have satisfaction, and joy.

  • jinjam

    "I used to think the same way. I listened to NIN also. Not only that, but Mudvayne, Slipknot, Sepultura, Manson, Korn.... yeah, a real metal head. If Jesus hadn't proved Himself to me, who knows what I'd be doing now. I just want to tell you that it is true, and if you ever want to know for certain, all you have to do is ask Jesus to show you."

    me thinks you listern to them backwards, no offence:)

  • soulfinder

    JamesThomas, my response to you is the same. God is who He is, and our beliefs don't change Him. Why not just ask Him who He is, and let Him show you? You have nothing to lose.

    Oh, by the way, it isn't your disbelief in Him that condemns you. Condemnation comes from the consequences of the things you have done. If you believe in Him, He forgives you. Clean slate. He will even help you to do rightly afterward, if you ask.

  • Satanus


    Look, i don't dispute that you may be having a conversation w some higher entity. If that works for you, fine. It's your threats that i reject. If you consider my rejection as picking on you, then you are a passive aggresive. It's your, 'you better get into the same boat as mine, or else' attitude that betrays your small mindedness and shows how small your god is, whoever he is. I have been to the light and back. I have an idea of the other dimensions. While i admit that i still know very little, i recognise that all have their own connection to the source. All make their own judgements on themselves, in this life. and the next ones. Your little gods are there you and those minded like you to play w. Leave others in peace.


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