How do I have everlasting life?

by soulfinder 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • soulfinder

    satanus, I don't mean to assault you. There is a very real truth here, that we have consiquences for our actions. Please don't take it as a threat, but a warning from someone who is concerned about your well being.

    As far as believing in my God, that is between you and God. I cannot make you go to Him. I just want you to realize the severity of the things you do, and I hope that you will at least consider all these things.

    Peace to you.

  • Satanus
    Ex-con, ex-drugdealer, ex-metalhead.

    I have nothing against you for having been where you were in the past. However, i would point out that you appear to have been an intense person, perhaps compulsive. I suggest that, if that is true, then you are still doing that, only now there is a new object for your attention.


  • JamesThomas


    I am pointing to what is INFINITE as the true Source of all existence, and you, as if you have ears but can not hear, continue to only acknowledge a tiny image that someone past down to you.

    I am saying God is always more than any and all beliefs. You are saying God is less. Which one has a fragrance more sweet?

    It may be wise to ask yourself why you tenaciously argue for a lesser god and find no merit in hearing of what is INFINITE?

    This is the disease of religion and it's deities, it shrinks the Divine into a limited thing or entity that you have, and others don't. Leave religion and find what unites everyone and everything. What resides pure and still at the core of our most immediate and intimate sense of being and existing? What is the actual Life of all life?


  • Pleasuredome
    If there are other gods, surely they'll answer. If it's all untrue, Jesus won't either.

    been there, done that. jesus didnt turn up. i cant say i wasnt surprised.

    there is no issue for legalities of so-called wrong doing. you cant be judged by somthing that dosent exist. besides which, so-called sin laws are of our own making and understanding, written down by men to create fear and guilt, of which 'god', because supposedly he is love, naturally can't be a part of.

    my challenge to you is to ask jesus if it matters that he could only be in your mind. ask him if it matters if you call him buddha, allah, or tamuz. ask him if it matters that you will die.

    the only peace you will get is when you condense 775,000 words into one.

  • soulfinder

    I have considered all of your posts, and even asked Jesus the questions you reccomended.

    His answers were that He is not only in my mind, yes and no, it does not matter to Him if I die.

    As far as reducing God into something other than He is, I do admit that I don't fully understand Him, but I do know Him personally. I can tell you that He made us like He is (not the other way around) in as far as that He has His own mind, heart, soul, and will. He created us this way to be His children, and has given us much to understand Him, such as:

    Our own mind heart soul and will.

    The capcity to make decisions.

    The knowledge of good and evil.

    Children to raise (which helps us understand Him).

    The ability to create and destroy.

    Lives full of experiences, both good and bad.

    A means of communicating to Him.

    And other things which He gives to His children (those born of the Spirit of God) such as:

    Understanding of righteouss judgement.

    Love, which He puts in our hearts after we go to Him.

    The desire to be righteous.

    Various abilities such as healing others, authority over demons, understanding of the future, which come as He wills.

    Anyways, I hope these things further your knowledge of God. Please remember, if you ask Him to show you, He may very well.

  • Pleasuredome
    His answers were that He is not only in my mind,

    my question was "does it matter if jesus could only be in your mind". nobody can perceive things out of their mind, only in it. so logic says that it shouldn't matter because no matter what, you are only going to be able to perceive him in your mind.

    yes and no,

    so if i call him buddha, then jesus would be fine and not fine with it at the same time?

    it does not matter to Him if I die.

    so if it matters to you or anyone else, does it then matter or not? when lazarus died it certainly mattered then.

    how do you explain people who perceive and talk to other gods in their minds, and gain beneficially from it? most religions around the world have the same morals and laws for being accepted by god. if those people said that you need to come to their god for salvation, in what way are they any different from you?

  • Satanus


    Since you left your previous life style, have you had any therapy or counseling, besides the religious? Were you a jw? I have been reflecting on some of the things that you have presented as your message, you know things like consequences for action, forgivness, etc. It occurs to me that these kinds of things may have been concerns to you at this stage. That's ok. It makes me wonder if these would be things that part of your mind might say to you. The thing is, the subconscious mind may be speaking to you.


  • Sailor Ripley
    Sailor Ripley
    It's your, 'you better get into the same boat as mine, or else' attitude

    This is one of my favorites, "you better get right or you're gonna get left." I laugh, outloud mind you, whenever my kookoo bible-thumper neighbor tells me this.

    Here's another one I love, actually I had a t-shirt that read it in college, "I'll respect your crutch if you stop beating me with it."

    ...back to the thread. If you're doing what you think is right, then more power to you.

    Keep on rockin' in the free world!

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Here’s my answer without getting involved in the debate.

    Everlasting life is achieved by genetic replication of you deoxyribonucleic acid. Have kids and encourage them to have kids.

  • moshe

    People ask God for things all the time. The people who get what they want are often vocal about their blessings from God. The rest of us who got nothing just keep quiet. Since we mainly hear about the "prayers answered", the anecdotal evidence seems to support the belief that God answers prayers. But then you have six million die in the Holocaust. How many do you suppose prayed to God for their life? - Either God did not answer their prayers or the other choice is that only chance determined who survived the gas chambers. Either way, go ahead and pray, if it makes you feel better.

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