Lowden - I agree with all that you've said. Even the most rational, fair and even minded person minds being thrown out of their job so that someone with no skills, from another country can take it from them.
Why should an Englishman have to have qualifications in English to get a job and someone from another country not even be able to speak the language take the job from under him?
I have European blood. I was born in England. However, I see the unfairness on the sides of the indiginous and the immigrants.
The UK government is totally senseless.
Let's just say I shall not be voting for Labour at the next election!
Our soldiers are off fighting an unnecessary war and dying for it and at home, peoples jobs, livelihoods and hopes are disappearing from them because of Labours stupid political correctness.
Mr Blair! Did you forget about us all?
We'll remind you that we're still here at the next election!
And in fairness to the immigrant workers coming to the UK, the government owes it to them to make sure they are protected from exploitation and also protected from physical harm!