Could Britain become a racists paradise?

by Gill 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    the racist question aside for a moment. As far as I'm aware an employer isn't allowed to make major changes to an existing contract without consulting the other side, therefore they may be in breach of contract by changing the sick pay terms. They would have to offer redundancy pay to those who don't accept the new terms.

    If they don't offer redundancy and either force employees to accept the new contract or sack them, there are grounds for unfair dismissal.

    But things might have changed yet again....

    Maybe DB74 will be able to help you with this.

  • Pleasuredome

    i would imagine big companies like rolls royce would go over employment law with a fine tooth comb to see what they can get away with. and such a powerful company might get away with a lot too.

    it will get to the stage where wages get driven down low enough so there wont be enough people to be able to afford to buy products and services that these clever companies provide.

  • J-ex-W

    no sick pay, etc.? Welcome to America.

  • nicolaou

    It's not that I'm disagreeing with you Gill but let's not forget personal responsibility.

    They had a spate, in two weeks, of every Polish worker having their car windscreen smashed, front and back.

    The only people to blame are the employers.

    No. The people to blame are the idiots who smashed the windscreens.

  • Gill

    I have to agree with you Nicolaou! It is the people stupid enough to smash the windows.

    But, when you look at the roots, beginning, causes of a problem, you can sometimes find an interesting and unexpected source to 'The Nile'.

  • Bstndance

    What makes the problem very unique in the EU is that most of the "highly skilled" immigrants are legal immigrants. I would assume that as the new EU members that have weaker economies start to adapt to their Western neighbors, things will start to even out. Meaning wages may fall in the UK, FR, DE, but will rise in Poland, Czech etc etc. Perhaps the EU adopted too many Eastern countries to rapidly.

    In the US, the immigration problem comes from people entering and obtaining employment illegally and then doing a job for less money than most Americans. They are not taking jobs that Americans won't do. They'll just do it cheaper. IE: my mom cleans offices and houses (typical JW) but she has expressed concered that she has lost some of her clients to an influx of immigrants who offer to clean for less.

    I frankly don't mind because Mexican people need to earn a living too and they take jobs that a lot of Americans won't - like picking fruit in the fields. But, it also effects a lot of other low-skill sectors, like construction.

    jstalin lives in the "other America"....

    Gill...understand completely what you're going through and it will have an effect for years to come.


  • gaiagirl

    I agree with the earlier post, it really doesn't sound like a "racial" issue, more like a situation of exploiting an available cheap labor pool. Would it be racist if the cheap labor was uneducated folks from somewhere in England, perhaps "chavs"? However, the provisions regarding sick leave, etc, really do sound unfair. I can't see how they can expect the product to be "perfect" if they don't wish to use highly skilled people to produce them.

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