Belief Poll : Please Indulge Me

by Morocco 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • J-ex-W

    jayhawk1----- ROFLMAO!!! First time I've seen that. I love it!!

  • becca1

    To all your questions: I honestly don't know anymore...

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    1.Do you believe in a personal God who takes interest in you as an individual?


    2.Do you believe that the Bible was written by God?


    3.Do you believe the Bible is error free and is always harmonious?


    4.Why do you believe these things?

    I decided to start using my brain a few years back.

    OK, OK, that was harsh...but true.

  • FMZ

    All answers, no.

    I think the idea that God is a personal being (i.e. has a personality and takes "interest" in us) really puts limits on whatever great and beautiful force put this universe in motion. I do believe, however, in "beings" that are of much higher vibrations and energies than ourselves. I wouldn't quite call them deities.

    As far as the Bible goes... I don't believe it was "written by God" or even inspired by him. But, I do think that the NT was written about a highly enlightened individual that came to Earth to give us some well needed advice, just the same as I regard the Dalai Lama, Buddha, or Ghandi.

    Just MHO, of course ;)


  • onlycurious


    You are hilarious....sick maybe....but still hilarious.

  • JWdaughter

    Just sort of curious about this, I know it has probably been done a gazillion times but let me do it again. :) 1.Do you believe in a personal God who takes interest in you as an individual?

    Not sure. 2.Do you believe that the Bible was written by God?

    No. 3.Do you believe the Bible is error free and is always harmonious?

    No. 4.Why do you believe these things?

    I am not sure if there is a God though I think so. Not sure if the God that I THINK exists cares much what we personally do. He doesn't seem too actively involved. I do not believe that if there is a God that he had ANYTHING to do with the Bible. If God exists, he is not going to mess with peoples minds like that, confusing, misleading and being vague. I do however think that there is much wisdom and common sense to be found in the Bible. Unfortunately it is mixed in with some nutty stuff that lessens its overall credibility as to its claim of inspiration. I will take the obvious, good, sometimes 'deep' common sense to heart-the stuff that is about being good to oneself and to others. The rest of it seems kind of wrong, in too many ways for me to ignore any longer.

  • Quentin

    1.Do you believe in a personal God who takes interest in you as an individual?'s up to me to have an interest in deity...

    2.Do you believe that the Bible was written by God?

    No...God doesn't write...

    3.Do you believe the Bible is error free and is always harmonious? can find solace in reading the bible, I read it all the time, but to accept it as error free...always harmonious...that's a myth unto its self...

    4.Why do you believe these things?

    How much spare time do you have?

  • Abandoned

    1) No

    2) No

    3) No

    4) Life is a lot simpler when you just accept it for what it is.

  • zensim

    Just sort of curious about this, I know it has probably been done a gazillion times but let me do it again. :)

    1.Do you believe in a personal God who takes interest in you as an individual? I believe in god but I have become comfortable with not always knowing how this god works - as soon as I think I have it sussed something comes along to knock me off my 'knowingness'. I believe god as the source of all life and as such god is inside me, outside me and I am god. Maybe Oneness would be a better description. I believe you can find this god in communing with nature, laughing with children, in a moving song, in an orgasm - as much as going to church/temple. To me god is a presence that you feel, a state of grace, a way of being and I don't care what gets you there as long as it doesn't hurt others. I believe god is interested in me as much as the next individual, no more, no less. I am unique, but not so special that I have god's favour above anyone else.

    2.Do you believe that the Bible was written by God? Only in terms that everything is born of this presence. It is not an ultimate truth in and of itself - it has some truths and some lies. I believe it is distorted. 3.Do you believe the Bible is error free and is always harmonious? This q's is answered by q.2.

    4.Why do you believe these things? Because I can, because I want to, because they serve me and I am happier and healthier for it, physically and emotionally.

  • onacruse

    1) No.

    2) No.

    3) No.

    4) Because I used to believe them, and now see that there was no logical reason why I should still believe them, and many logical reasons why I shouldn't believe them.

    Bread and butter.

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