Alot of experts have said the JWs would not survive the internet, that they would be exposed.
My Kingdom Hall is near extinction!!
by RULES & REGULATIONS 50 Replies latest watchtower bible
If the numbers went up, it was due to the new millenium just about to arrive.
Yah that must be it since here in texas they invested hundreds of millions in new buildings during the early 90's, kh and convention halls . I remember hearing the constant reminders that the society was toting the note on all this stuff and everybody had to dig deep in their pockets to pay for it . What a sham .
before i left my cong. in the amarillo texas area, it was down to 23 publishers and 1 Elder. Sister were running mics and the literature counter.
One congr. that i attended split in two 20 years ago, just became one again.
Old dying off- young one df or fading and hardly any new ones coming in.
In Tacoma WA they had 3 conventions at the Dome for several years. We had the Dome parking scandal and then last year there were only 2 conventions. That indicates 1/3 (33%) LESS people. THis is a major metropolitan area and serves all of W.Washington, I believe.
Old dying off- young one df or fading and hardly any new ones coming in.
The old stayed because they believed it was "the truth".The young don't want to listen to that bull crap and the burdens are too heavy for the new ones.The internet will expose them for their false teachings and predictions.
Yeah, I really think the days of the WT are numbered, pretty soon all you will have left in every kingdom hall is a bunch of old timers that can't bring in any new ones and too old to have any kids to indoctrinate.
I know what is causing the low attendance. Someone has grieved the holy spirit and the spirit is not whit the congo anymore. To remedy this I suggest that hustler magazines be put in the KH bathrooms, that will get the attendance back to normal.
The society will just look at the lackluster numbers and say that “the love of the greater number” is just “cooling off”. So some hardcore witnesses will see this as encouraging. That sounds bizarre but ive things like that from some witnesses in my hall...
It always amused me when JWs applied Matthew 24:12 to the love cooling off among JWs. The WTS has never said in print that this scripture applied to JWs actually the opposite. Yet I saw this application made many times by individual JWs.
*** w84 10/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
Do Jesus’ words that "the love of the greater number will cool off" mean that this will occur among true worshipers now?
With good reason we believe that Jesus was not foretelling a large-scale loss of love among Jehovah’s people.
The apostles had asked for ‘the sign of Jesus’ presence and of the conclusion of the system of things.’ Jesus foretold wars, earthquakes, food shortages and persecution of Christians. He added: "Because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off."—Matthew 24:3-12.
Much of that prophecy found a fulfillment between then (33 C.E.) and the great tribulation on Jerusalem that the Romans caused in 70 C.E. (Compare Luke 19:41-44; 21:5-28.) During that interval, did the love of most anointed Christians cool off? No. Those who fell away from Christianity during that generation evidently were in the minority. Most Christians experiencing persecution from the Jews kept up "declaring the good news of the word," displaying love for God, for unbelievers and for fellow Christians. (Acts 8:1-25; 9:36-42) But love did cool off among the Jews, who claimed to be true worshipers. The greater number of them ignored Jesus’ warning, revolted against Rome and resorted to a violent defense of their nation.
Jesus’ prophecy extends beyond the first century and has its major fulfillment today. (Revelation 6:2-8) As with the Jews back then, people have less and less effective love. Millions have turned atheistic. Even in Christendom people tend to show less neighbor love, and church attendances and knowledge of the Bible generally are declining. Many who seem to be religious try to rectify human problems through political causes. So it apparently is among such claimed worshipers of God that love is cooling off.
True Christians, though, must not become complacent. Since some Christians in the first century lost their first love or were distracted from it by problems, we could find our love cooling off. (2 Timothy 2:16-19; Revelation 2:4) While, if that happened, we would be exceptions to most of Jehovah’s people, the fact that it could happen to us individually emphasizes our need to ‘endure to the end’ so as to be saved.—Matthew 24:13.