What Do Men & Women Want From Each Other???

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I recently read of a survey regarding unhappy wives. It seems that nearly most women wouldn't do it all over again with the same man. They were unhappy for various reasons. Many felt, although they couldn't prove it, that their husbands had cheated on them at one point or another. A number of women admitted that they regularly fantasized about other men and easily flirted with those not their husbands.....Interstingly, most of the men who say they would NEVER cheat on their wives do not believe that getting a BJ is cheating because "it means nothing" but if a wife had an "affair" for a period of time with a certain person----this was clearly a breach in the marriage........What's YOUR view on this???

  • ButtLight

    I think crossing the line is before there is anything sexual! To me, even kissing someone else is cheating. (easier to forgive) but still cheating.

    I personally just want a stable relationship where Im loved, and only me!

  • LovesDubs

    Im on my third (read LAST) marriage...its lasted 20 years but not without a LOT of consternation. My "ideal" marriage was one in which I was actually acknowledged as an intelligent human being worthy of spending time with and caring about and being a friend with. Apparently that's too much for some men. I can understand why women "become" lesbians. As for BJs becoming an Olympic Sporting event and not sex we can thank Clinton for making it a NON sex activity. "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman!" Oh so if a guy stuck his face on HILLARY's private parts while under her desk, that would be ok with you Bill? Does it matter the SIZE of the genitalia? Or is it a factor that you used a cigar instead of a finger this time? With guys its what is good for the goose is NOT also good for the gander. Double standard. And...having watched my share of Maury Povich programs...when a women is trying to find the father of her child, and she slept with more than one guy, she is a WHORE...but the GUYS who slept with several women, including the one on this show trying to find her baby-daddy are NOT labeled WHORES they are PLAYAHS.


    52 and SO over men.

  • Blueblades

    The marriage vows pretty much says it all. If one is not married, the principles of the vows should stand for each one. However, All of us want to be loved , cared for , respected, and want to be treated kindly. We all have needs, physical, emotional, sexual etc. We want to be able to trust one another, be there for one another. Faithfulness in a relationship is a must. The man and woman can't have it both ways.( unless they mutually agree ) If he wants to fool around, as the saying goes, he can't stay in that relationship. And the same for his wife. They should part ways. Other than sexual issues, financial issues cause many to break up also.

    So, to sum up my thoughts, in a sentence, what men and women want from each other is the understanding of each ones needs.


  • trevor

    Women want money from men so they can go shopping. Men want to give them the money so they can have some time on their own while the women are out shopping.

    The women return to rested men, with things they have bought to make themselves look and smell nice.

    What follows is for grown ups and then the men and the women get what they both really want!

  • minimus

    I know of some people that are "swingers". One guy was married for years to a fellow swinger. But the dissolved their marriage (and not because of the lifestyle). He's not a jealous type. His present wife very much is! He fondly remembers the good old days......I know many women that have an unhappy marriage and they have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

  • james_woods

    I once read that every Man wants to see a naked Woman lounging on the sloped front hood of a Porsche 911.

    It then continued to say that every Woman wants to see a well-dressed Man driving a Porsche 911, carefully and slowly.

    PS - I edited into this post because the thread made me remember something..&.maybe it deserves a thread of it's own. I had forgotten that we actually had a pair of "swinger couples" drift into the congregation and cruised up some of us upstanding citizens...

    Maybe later this afternoon...

  • YoursChelbie
    If he wants to fool around, as the saying goes, he can't stay in that relationship.

    Blueblades, that's a pretty simple concept isn't it? I wonder why some guys just don't get it.


  • Clam

    I too have met guys, friends even, who think that if you stop short of intercourse then you haven't been unfaithful. Quite bizarre in my opinion, but it's easy enough to make up your own rules I suppose.

    Fidelity is all important to me. I personally would find emotional and physical intimacy impossible if a third party had ever entered the equation. It may have been "harmless" or "a fling", but it breeches trust, and that's the end in my book.

    Everyone's different though. Some people have open marriages, some forgive partners for transgressing for all kinds of reasons. I've known guys who have found their wives playing around, forgiven them but then go off and "get their own back", ie sleep with another woman.

  • Satanus

    Women want (need) money, men want (need) sex.


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