What Do Men & Women Want From Each Other???

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Women want money from men so they can go shopping. Men want to give them the money so they can have some time on their own while the women are out shopping.

    The women return to rested men, with things they have bought to make themselves look and smell nice.

    What follows is for grown ups and then the men and the women get what they both really want!

    Hmmmmmmmm......It really is that simple............!~!~!


  • misanthropic
  • SixofNine
  • minimus

    Six, "Gay Boyfriend" was funny.

  • cyrus

    according to one source a larger percentage of women cheat than men and the biggest difference is the women dont get caught cos they are better liars. the amount of men who are bringing up another mans child attest to this.cant remember the figures but it was huge.when a man cheats and says it meant nothing he is being honest but when a women does it is usuallyy more emotional than sexual to me that is worse.cheating is cheating and a betrayal but a woman controls the sex in any relationship she dont want it she dont want it which you ask most married men who had sex with thier girl before marriage soon as the married the sex isnt as frequent .once they got you thats ur lot just enough to keep you interested.

  • YoursChelbie
    the amount of men who are bringing up another mans child attest to this.

    Actually "the amount of men who are bringing up another mans child" attests to their failure to get a DNA paternity test.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Why can't an Adonis be appreciated for his drop-dead-head-swivelling-breathtaking good looks? I am so sick to death of girls whistling at my brains and making bold, asking to borrow my library card.

    Or is it Sully Society who's after my card?

    CoCo, aka G.G. Casanova

  • minimus

    I'm sick of being considered an "Adonis" too.

  • LongHairGal

    Want from each other? Maybe a little honesty? I think the whole thing is hopeless. For one thing, in youth people get married because they are in love (or lust) and they grow up and possibly apart from each other. The thing is: they have no baggage except each other.

    The second time around the story is different. They both have baggage. The thing is: do you want this other person's baggage or are you better off without them? I also agree that men are generally not faithful and have a terrible DOUBLE standard with regard to fidelity. This cannot be tolerated by me. I would forgive a guy if I withheld sex for a long time and he had to find it elsewhere but most men don't need a reason to find it elsewhere. They are only too happy to sample the pickin's all around them.

    I also feel that men are simply not in reality about themselves and how they look with regard to aging and overweight. I honestly think some of them have a magic mirror! While I do agree that nowadays men tend to be more interested in their appearance than in times past, they simply are deluded and think they should be forgiven for their physical "imperfections" and get indignant that some women are picky but yet they can be heard making awful remarks about some poor woman's appearance if she doesn't measure up to the perfect 10 ideal. Sad but true.


  • minimus

    LHG, I personally know of a number of women who cheat on their husbands and I've always been told, "I don't know why I'm telling YOU (a perfect stranger) this but ........" Soooo many females are very much like the men talked about here. Certainly not all men and women are dishonest but I've been surprised by who, what type, etc. that do the things you'd never think.

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