My insensitive dub brats (found some pictures)

by MsMcDucket 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket
    "Oh well, they are on a learning curve too."

    Penny, this is true. I'm familiar with The School of Hard Knocks.

  • MsMcDucket
    "unfortunately," huh? The way I see it, the easiest way to alienate an adult child is to call her an "insensitive brat"

    I think the easiest way to alienate your child or vice versa is to become an ex-jehovah's witness. . .

    And I still say that they are insensitive brats.

  • MsMcDucket

    Sheesh! While I was posting this, my youngest called me (She just got her driver's license and she's driving the new car that we bought her, or rather, it will be hers if she graduates high school.). She was over a classmate's house doing a group study. She made a wrong turn and ended up on the highway. She's lost. She managed to get way over on the otherside of town and she can't seem to quite grab the directions to get home. We told her to park at a convience store and hubby on his way to get her.

  • Odrade

    :::And I still say that they are insensitive brats.

    Glad you're not my mother. Why should they be anything else when you go around saying that's what they are? I notice also that you amended your initial post to call your daughter's lovely picture "looking provocative or whatever." I can't imagine a daughter wanting to tell you anything if that's your attitude towards her. Sad really, but I guess you can blame it all on your leaving the JWs. It's probably much easier that way.

    P.S., Is your youngest also an insensitive brat for getting lost?

  • MsMcDucket
    Glad you're not my mother

    Me too! One less brat to worry about.

  • MsMcDucket

    Odrade, my oldest daughter isn't a dub. The twins are. Now, what were you saying? You think I'm a horrible mother because of what?

    Did your mother call you a brat or something? You sure are taking this hard!

  • MsMcDucket
    P.S., Is your youngest also an insensitive brat for getting lost?

    No, is that what you think?

  • Odrade

    Nah, I'm just noticing a tendency for parents and children who have poor relationships with each other, due to their own actions, who then blame it on leaving (or staying) in the JW religion. But I guess you can call 'em insensitive brats if you want. You made 'em, you raised 'em. I'm guessing that apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    And yes, my mother caused a tremendous amount of damage to our relationship with her unwarranted name-calling. Fortunately, she learned to not do that. We missed quite a few years while she was figuring out how to treat her children respectfully though.

    Not that I expect my words or experiences to have any effect on your actions, but somewhere down the line when your kids are still avoiding you, and you are still calling them names and imputing wrong motives, you might think about how things got that way. Or... you could just keep calling names, scapegoating the WT, and taking no responsibility for your lack of respect having some impact on the problem.

    BTW, this isn't based on just this post. I've seen you bad-mouth your daughters for a long time. Yes, sometimes you brag on them, but it really seems like you think they're pretty worthless human beings. I feel sorry for them.

  • Gregor

    MsMcD. - As the father of 5, including a couple of 'brats' that turned my hair white by the time I was 45 (well, maybe that was just genetics) I can tell you that young people get a huge charge out of exploring their independence. Didn't you? It's is all part of becoming an adult.

    You have a good looking family and it's normal for you to want to be the mother hen.

    Try to relax and take on the roll of just being there for them. They will come back around.

  • wednesday

    sometimes wht jws kids do to punish their xjws mother is find a new "mommy" in the "truth'

    don't take comment too seriouly, some are still very young and fighting for their independence from mommy and don't realize being an adult is within them, and mommy can't really control them at all.

    Hope you are ok, and they are safe, and lets hope they have not found a 'spiritual mommy" to take your place. happens

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