My insensitive dub brats (found some pictures)

by MsMcDucket 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket
    BTW, this isn't based on just this post. I've seen you bad-mouth your daughters for a long time. Yes, sometimes you brag on them, but it really seems like you think they're pretty worthless human beings. I feel sorry for them

    Wow! I didn't know you followed my posts that closely. You think that because I raised my children to be Jehovah's Witnesses that I'm a bad mom. I guess you feel that way about the whole group, because many of us fall into that category. You're right the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. My children are Jehovah's Witnesses. I learned later in life that I chose the wrong course. Hopefully, the little brats will figure this out too.

    Brats or not, I haven't cut the cord yet, which I need to do. My door will always be open to them if they want me or need me. I didn't call them "worthless human beings" I called them brats. I can't help it cause you're mad at your mother. Like you said, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I knew that I touched a nerve when you took it as a personal attack and started belittling me for my choice of words.

    Do you feel like a "worthless human being"?

    You want me to be angry and to feel defenseless against your posts. You keep escalating it. Getting more toxic with your words. That's okay. Let it all out! If saying it to me makes you feel like you're saying it to your mother and it's a healing thing for you than keep at it. Cool beans!

    I'll send my posts to my little brats and see if they agree with you, and I'll ask my oldest if she thinks "provocative" was the wrong word to use for the post. If so, then I owe them an apology. Not you. I'll called them little stinkers instead!

    BTW provocative isn't a bad word.

    Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus - Cite This Source
    Main Entry: provocative
    Part of Speech: adjective 2
    Definition: stimulating
    Synonyms: alluring, arousing, enchanting, erotic, exciting, heady, interesting, intoxicating, intriguing, inviting, seductive, sexy, stimulant, suggestive, tantalizing, tempting
    Antonyms: modest
    Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)
    Copyright © 2007 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights
  • Odrade

    No, I don't think you're a bad mother for raising your kids JWs. You did (presumably) what you thought was right in that instance. But I do think that your blaming it on the WT might be missing the boat. Maybe they treat you that way because you treat them with a lack of respect.

    I'm not projecting, and you're not my mother. MY mother doesn't treat me that way. When I said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I meant you taught them to treat you with disrespect by the way you treat them.

    I think lots of people blame their bad relationships on the WT, when really it is their own fault and due to their own actions. It is simply easier to blame it on some outside force than to accept responsibility for their own bad treatment of their "loved" ones, and the "loved" ones' consequent avoidance- which is then too easily labeled as "shunning."

  • MsMcDucket

    If I raised my children "badly" it's because I gave them too much. Admittedly, I was wrong for raising them as dubs that is my fault. So, I have to live with that. My children adored me and were overprotective of me before they became dubs. They think that I'm too soft-hearted. They know how to stick it to me. I miss my girls! The little brats!

  • Virgochik

    Allright, let's not jump all over Mrs. McD! I can see both sides, really. When I was 20, I would've had a cow if my Mom had wanted to know my bizness. Now, I can see why anybody would be concerned for the safety of their loved ones. It's just dangerous out there, and it's good to check in when traveling, especially alone. It wouldn't offend me at all now, if my Mom asked me to keep her posted.

    I think Mrs. McD's just hurting when things aren't the same any more with her beautiful daughters, remembering their baby years and wishing things were OK again. When I first left the Hall and got my own place, my Mom said some snippy things to me, too. She just missed me, and it hurt. It's all OK now.

  • FlyingHighNow
    And I still say that they are insensitive brats.

    I don't think calling kids brats is that bad a thing. There are much worse things parents could call their kids.

    I left Atlanta one time, didn't tell anyone I was driving to Chicago. Got stranded in a blizzard in my car on the interstate, for twelve hours and then spent a couple or more days with the national guard. The temp was 28 below with a windchill of 60 below. Had to be rescued. I didn't mean to be insensative. My sis was an overbearing JW and I was 19. She was so rude and ugly, I didn't tell her I was moving back up there. My husband and I were going to surprise his parents. We could have died in the car. It would have been awful for our families.

    Now that I have my own grown kids, who often do immature or selfish things that scare and worry me, I can understand why you would call your kids insensative brats. We don't always react in a perfectly calm, appreciative way when someone does something thoughtless to us. I know only a handful of people who never get angry and say something negative about selfish people. I mean, it'd be nice if we could be perfectly nice all of the time.

    Don't feel bad, Ms. Just tell them that you would like to know when they take road trips in case something happens and they come up missing. Then hopefully you'll know where to send the police to look for them. During the holidays, an older couple set out for New York to visit their daughters and grandchildren in NYC. The couple came up missing. Police searched along their route for days. They finally found that they had run off the road, through a guard rail, into a swamp and were drowned. Imagine if they hadn't told their kids they were traveling.

  • noni1974

    You should buy your daughter a map and teach her how to read it.Getting lost is not fun.Also teach her how to navigate by street signs not just by landmarks.Take it from me I'm a female taxi driver in a big city and I never get lost! Ever! As far as you older daughters tell them you worry about them and if they go out of town they should let someone know.Just in case.You never know what could happen out there.

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    I didn't get anything negative from Ms.McD's posts. I think that most kids are insensitve brats. I know that there are things that I do to my parents that could classify me as a brat and insensitive. I was a spoiled rotten brat as a child and I am raising a spoiled rotten brat myself.

    As parents you give and give to your children only asking for them to show that they recognize what you have done for them on occasion. Asking them to keep you updated about where they are and what they are doing is a parents right because they love you.

    There a lot worse things to be called than a brat. The worse thing Ms.McD called them was a dub. Now that might hurt my feelings. (hehehe)


  • LovesDubs

    My mother used to put the Mothers Curse on me when she felt I wasnt behaving to her standards..."I hope your kids are EXACTLY LIKE YOU!" She would scream at me. And damned if they arent. :)

    If you watch kittens and puppies...they give their parents hell too and have to be rescued from their venturing outside the "box". Its the way of the world.


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