Weak in the Faith = Lose Privilages

by RULES & REGULATIONS 30 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Have you ever lost any privilages due to being spiritually weak? I wasn't going out in servive as much,not commenting and wasn't married to a Witness. I was taken off the Ministry School talk # 2,couldn't pray for the congregation,was taken off the sound equipment,couldn't pass out literature,couldn't receive a blood card and finally couldn't receive any books because I wasn't considered part of the congregation.That was fine with me.

    What were the signs you received from your congregation telling you that you were weak in the faith?

  • justsomedude
    couldn't receive a blood card and finally couldn't receive any books because I wasn't considered part of the congregation

    Wouldnt they have to DF you before they took it to this extreme?

  • Mysterious

    Signs that youths here were spiritually weak were when the parents of the other kids quietly told them to stop inviting the other youth over and to start talking to them only at meetings (and then only to encourage them).


    Wouldnt they have to DF you before they took it to this extreme?

    I was considered weak.They would pass me by when they would hand out any blood cards or literature because that was their way for me to improve.They tried for years for me to get more spiritual. I never did anything for them to DF me.

  • blondie

    I have seen some BOEs say that if a baptized person is inactive but still attends the meetings that are not really a JW and so don't let them have a medical directive card. I understand that the HLC will not come to your aid if you are facing the blood issue in a hospital. As to books, most congregations will even give DF'd people the current magazines and study books.


    *** km 7/04 p. 3 Question Box ***

    Disfellowshipped persons may obtain the magazines or other literature for their personal use at the magazine and literature counter at the Kingdom Hall.

    *** km 12/02 p. 7 Announcements ***

    All baptized publishers present at the Service Meeting the week of January 6 may obtain the Advance Medical Directive/Release card and the Identity Card for their children.

    Thank' s Blondie !

    I wasn't given a Proclaimers book{ i think that was the name} because that was for only baptized publishers in good standing.

  • nowuask

    Alls they want you to do is serve, serve, serve!!!! obey,obey,obey. Forget all of that. Do what you are comfortable with. It's there problem not yours.

  • Scully

    I tried showing up for Field Service™ at the mid-week Service Arrangment™ a few times - after getting up early, sending Mr Scully off to work and Jr. off to school, and getting the baby ready, and having a vehicle to drive with a carseat in it. When nobody wanted to work with me (and the Elder™ conducting the Service Arrangement™ did jacksquat to rearrange things to include me), and going home in tears a few times, I got the effing hint and stayed home and started planning to go back to school.



    I'm sorry to hear that.They're cruel people.One elder would make sure my name wasn't on the telephone list each person would receive who was in their book study.


    Hi R & R

    This sounds typical of the elders in my last congregation. At one period in my life, when I was over 60 yrs of age and had attained the "dizzy heights" of carrying the microphones for the watchtower session, this after being in this cong. for nearly 20 yrs. at this period, I went down with an exploded disc which incapacitated me for four months. (Lying on the floorboards).

    On returning to the cong. the elders had taken me off carrying the microphone because I was inconsistent in Field service !

    When I tried to reason with them,they blamed the decision on a ministerial servant. They were proved to be liars and completely unchristian !!!


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