Before my reply, I'll tell you a story I thought of while reading this.
My brother got me some very nice ties and some nice dress shirts as part of my graduation present. I was very proud (since I grew up in a below average houshold $$-wise) to wear these to the meetings. I wore a black shirt and a tie that looked great with that tie and the suit I was wearing. Anyway, I was counsled not to wear anything but white shirt on the platform and to the meetings for that matter. I listened like a good little lemming. A few months later this same elder wore a all black suit with red shoes, red tie and a red kerchief in the pocket.
Anyway, on to my reply. I was told that I couldn't handle mike's anymore because my attendance was down. The elders felt that when I was there I needed to pay attention to the meetings rather than carry mikes (like I ever paid attention, I usually day-dreamed). Anyway, I overcame that. Within a few years I was an MS handling the scheduling for all cong duties (mike handlers, stage, sound, security during the meetings), lit servant, accounts servant so I suppose either paying attention helped..........or maybe it was changing congregations haha.
Years later (10 years and 2 congs later to be exact) I was still an MS and married. My wife and I had the personal tragedy of our son dying. I was (we were) devistated and it showed in my meeting attendance and service. I was depressed. I asked the PO for help numerous times and didn't see any. I expressed my need for help with my depression and the questions that come with loosing a child. Again, nothing. Anyway, the point of my story is that when I moved to another house and another congregation, I was told me letter stated I wasn't in a position to be an MS. I lacked the spirituality to be an MS. Funny how the elders knew I was in such a dire spiritual state but didn't help me.
Anyway (sorry to hijack) I had all my privlidges taken away for my lack of spirituality. Look where I am now hahaha.