Weak in the Faith = Lose Privilages

by RULES & REGULATIONS 30 Replies latest watchtower bible


    On returning to the cong. the elders had taken me off carrying the microphone because I was inconsistent in Field service !

    My friend was taken off carrying the microphones for the Watchtower Study because he would walk in late for the Public Talk.He was a single brother who worked in construction and worked many Sunday's .He would get home, shower and drive a long distance.Well,sometimes he would be 5 or 10 minutes late.The elders told him that he showed a lack of appreciation for the meetings.


    I can well believe it - in the same cong. that I had problems with, there was an elderly brother (gardener by trade- therefore wasn't incapacitated at all), was taken off carrying the microphones. the Elders reason was the fact that he walked a bit slow



  • truman

    This sort of treatment was the beginning of the end for me as a JW. My 20-year-old son, who was one of the very few of his generation to still be attending the KH, was removed from his privileges running the sound system because he failed to turn in 10 hours a month of field service.

    He was turning in time every month, just not enough to satisfy these arbitrary requirements, requirements which were never stated up front when he began his duties. This young man was struggling with his attachment to the JW life but was sticking with it mostly because of his love for me.

    The job at the KH gave him a connection to the org. and made him feel useful. When the ax-wielding elder told him that he was cut off from his job, he was hurt to the point that he no longer had any motivation to keep going. I remember telling that elder at the time that what he needed was a helping hand, not a shove out the door, but to no avail.

    That's their sort of love, I guess.

    Anyway, it all worked out in the long run because after my son left, I soon followed. Not the result they were expecting, I imagine.

  • SirNose586

    The job at the KH gave him a connection to the org. and made him feel useful. When the ax-wielding elder told him that he was cut off from his job, he was hurt to the point that he no longer had any motivation to keep going. I remember telling that elder at the time that what he needed was a helping hand, not a shove out the door, but to no avail.

    That's their sort of love, I guess.

    Anyway, it all worked out in the long run because after my son left, I was soon followed. Not the result they were expecting, I imagine.

    And that's how the Tower will fall: if the young men are continually driven away, eventually they will figure it out and leave. There is a crisis right now for brothers, and it can only get worse if they keep up this behavior.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Back in the 70's a young teenaged brother was assigned a talk in the ministry school, and my father (an elder) told him he his hair was too long. The boy got a very nice haircut although it wasn't short enough according to my father's criteria. He arrived at the KH--it was raining and windy and when he walked in the door, his hair was a bit tousled. Before he even had a chance to go to the restroom to comb his hair, my father told him he could not give the talk.

    That was the last time the brother ever attended a meeting.

  • liquidsky

    I realized that I was considered 'spiritually weak' when a pioneer sister/elderette asked me If she could have a weekly bible study with me. I had already been babtized for 4 years.

  • riverofdeceit

    Back in the 70's a young teenaged brother was assigned a talk in the ministry school, and my father (an elder) told him he his hair was too long. The boy got a very nice haircut although it wasn't short enough according to my father's criteria. He arrived at the KH--it was raining and windy and when he walked in the door, his hair was a bit tousled. Before he even had a chance to go to the restroom to comb his hair, my father told him he could not give the talk.

    That was the last time the brother ever attended a meeting.

    That sounds a lot like me, except it was the 90's, and it was some other arbritary judgement calls that happened to be elder's pet peeves.

  • thecarpenter

    Why are you complaining, I love to hear stories like this from this christian cult. All of this rigidiness serves as a vehicle to help people free themselves from this high control religion, it is actually a blessing in disguise. I hope more rigid, self important elders are appointed, the religion will fall that much faster.

  • steve2
    and going home in tears a few times, I got the effing hint and stayed home and started planning to go back to school.

    Scully you deserve an award for unique distinction. Before now, I didn't know of any body who had gone home crying because no one wanted to work with them in field service! If only I could have got out of field service so easily! My family and firends were constantly pressuring and "assisting" me to engage in field service. Mind you, that was in the early 1980s. Maybe things have now changed!!


    Why are you complaining, I love to hear stories like this from this christian cult. All of this rigidiness serves as a vehicle to help people free themselves from this high control religion, it is actually a blessing in disguise. I hope more rigid, self important elders are appointed, the religion will fall that much faster. I wasn't complaining.I stated that it was fine with me.That's why my avatar is Rules and Regulations.They are the modern day Pharisee's.

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