My journey is reaching another level

by InquiryMan 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • What-A-Coincidence



  • J-ex-W

    InquiryMan---------- WOW have you come a long way!!! Good luck to exploring this new level of living...with the shunning, it will feel bittersweet, but you know that your JWD friends are here for you.... Good for you for being true to who you are.

  • BabaYaga

    Hugs and strength and congratulations to you!!!


  • becca1

    I wish you all the best in this new fase. I hope it's not too difficult.

  • InquiryMan

    When I got to the Kingdom Hall today, I just felt relief. I did not feel any bitterness and even have fond memories. Life is not black and white. Not having English as my native tongue, what I meant by "mainstream" was a way of life without the limits of the witness religion. My life is certainly not that of average Joe anymore - and that was not the intention either. I just want to be me. I am well aware of the ethymology and hidden codes of witness language. Of course I know that when I hear the word "world" it will always has another dimension to it than those with a non-witness background. But I know both worlds. As a sidenote: As a witness, I missed ceremonies in a way. In this respect, the witness tradition is poor to say the least. We started celebrating christmas right away, although I did feel uncomfortable the first time I went around the christmas tree singing carols. The feelings of the holiday is not in my spine in a way. However, celebrating birthdays, constitution day, christmas, voting etc feel very natural for me now. I`d given it thoughts before I departed.

  • becca1

    Oops: phase not fase

  • Do you Mr. Jones?
    Do you Mr. Jones?

    InquiryMan --

    Congratulations on sorting things out and moving forward. I wish you and your family happiness as you "live life to the full."

    My wife left the WTS before I did. One of the reasons she left was that she wanted to have a more "normal" life for herself and the kids. And "normal" she got. The kids were able to have school friends they liked; partake in school and secular events; and feel as if they could live in the present. My kids were popular and responsible all through school.

    Even though I remained a JW (yes, I took the kids to meetings and out in service) for about two years -- I could see how our three kids blossomed when out of the "truth." More than a few elders told me my kids would wind up in dire straights without the discipline and guidance of the WTS. I was also told they would be destroyed at Armageddon. But, glad to say, they have been responsible, self-reliant and respectful people -- unlike some of their witness contemporaries who wound up in jail, on drugs or pregnant.

    I left the "society" because of growing questions about religious and organizational matters. And I'm glad I did. My kids are now grown. They each have completed college. My lovely daughter now has her MBA and works as an executive for an international financial institution; my older son traveled throughout Europe after college (also visiting Africa, India and Israel), he went to a well-known cooking school in Paris, worked as a chef in the famous Savoy Hotel in London and now lives and works in California; my younger son has returned to UCLA film school to get his masters.

    I'm writing this to let you know: There is life outside the Jehovah's Witnesses! Your kids sound well-adjusted and intelligent. With your deep love and guidance, they can have a full and rewarding lives.


  • InquiryMan

    Thanks a lot once more for your kind support. They got the letter this afternoon and the announcement was actually made the same evening. My father told me they won`t even look after my children if needed, cause we have brought this situation on ourselves. We will be told, however, if something serious in the family happens, like death or disease.... How kind ;.-) It is an evil system. But I was prepared it was this way. I even shun my sister-in law for five years. But she has forgiven me and my wife for doing so.. I have no respect whatsoever for the organization cause it has ruined a lot of families. But I harbor no bitterness.

  • InquiryMan

    Thanks a lot once more for your kind support. They got the letter this afternoon and the announcement was actually made the same evening. My father told me they won`t even look after my children if needed, cause we have brought this situation on ourselves. We will be told, however, if something serious in the family happens, like death or disease.... How kind ;.-) It is an evil system. But I was prepared it was this way. I even shun my sister-in law for five years. But she has forgiven me and my wife for doing so.. I have no respect whatsoever for the organization cause it has ruined a lot of families. But I harbor no bitterness.

  • LittleToe


    Agape:I'm curious as to how you define the word "prejudice". Just asking...

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