My journey is reaching another level

by InquiryMan 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • InquiryMan

    I talkede to my grandmother this afternoon. She was baptized 33 years ago. She is very dear to me. And she is a kind woman. She knows I am gay, and she is the only one who as actually kept in touch with me in her own initiative and been at my apartment. She told me she would not shun me. My children and me were always welcome to visit her. And I should keep on calling her as I do. She is close to 87. She did state however, that her faith was very dear to her, and that she is looking forward to paradise restored. And felt very sad I had abandoned the faith we once had in common. But she loves me. She has put her heart ahead of blind faith and prejudice. But I have also respect for her way of life and desire to live the way she does. Respect goes two ways.

  • JWdaughter

    Good luck, hope all goes well for you and your family. Being able to leave a wrong marriage and remain friends with your ex. wife tells me much more about your character than the divorce or homosexuality on their own could reveal. That your kids are strong and still happy tells us alot. You will do fine!

  • InquiryMan

    We only have one life, why spend it fighting? Personally, I find it easier to display socalled christian virtues, like compassion, emphathy and forgiving after leaving the JW religion. Now I try to display it cause it is good, before it was stressed so much that I got fed up.... (I was kind then too, but now I am relaxed and tolerant and it makes a change). I feel so content now. Doing that formal step of writing the DA letter made me feel free. It was like getting a citizenship in the World. Lovely.

  • ringo5

    Inquiry Man:

    We only have one life, why spend it fighting? Personally, I find it easier to display socalled christian virtues, like compassion, emphathy and forgiving after leaving the JW religion. Now I try to display it cause it is good, before it was stressed so much that I got fed up.... (I was kind then too, but now I am relaxed and tolerant and it makes a change). I feel so content now. Doing that formal step of writing the DA letter made me feel free. It was like getting a citizenship in the World. Lovely.


    Amazing, I didn't realize that to be on these forums you had to drop all belief in the Bible, God's laws or God himself. Having gripes with the WTS is one thing but this is a bit much. My, how far we fall.

    Who would you rather have dinner with?

  • bernadette

    Am very happy for you inquiryman.

    I can just imagine what a challenging journey you have had



  • jgnat
    That's fine but why be here then?

    I've maintained my belief in God AND I haunt JWD. Surfrosty, I've just chosen to mingle and be supportive of ANYONE who is going through the pain of separation from the WTBTS. They are all likeable people, regardless of our philosophical/religious differences.

  • LittleToe


    My, how far we fall.

    So you came to that conclusion after just two days of posting to this huge exJW community? How blind and judgemental we are...

    Can I lend you a mirror for that rafter?

  • InquiryMan

    On the contrary, I fell I have risen. Above bigotry, prejudice and intolerance.

  • InquiryMan

    Of course, I meant to state:_ I feel (The support of colleagues, non-witness family and other friends etc have also been overwhelming both on formally leaving the JWs and also me being gay).

  • poppers
    however those two things are looked down apon by God and bring untold misery

    How comforting it must be to be so sure of how God views things.

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