The only thing the society and the Governing body is deep in (and full of) is**** and it stinks real bad. Sounds like the same old garbage they've been putting out for years. Nothing new here!
Barf Alert! - Governing Body 'believes we are in the time of the end'
by drew sagan 63 Replies latest jw friends
drew sagan
Perhaps there is an under current in brooklyn that may think other wise and the gb want every one to know where they stand. Or maybe someone left bethel with some gossip that not all the gb are so sure anymore and they are trying to counteract any negative reaction to the gossip.
This of course would be a logical reason as to why they would mention something like this. That is why I have to say that this must not be the reason why they would say this. Most JWs have no clue who the GB are and what they do.
Which brings me to my next point. The Watchtower creates an enviroment where the Governing Body are these magical figures. Amazing spiritual giants who live in a place far far away. This is not just by chance, this is the reality the organization has worked hard to build. They want the rank and file to be in awe of these men, many of which they have never even seen.
So by saying this kind of stuff they just seek to tug the emotions of people, nothing else. There cannot be any other reasons than that. -
Hmmmm, they never say things like we're really living at the time of the end???? Is this guy cracked?
No, they never say things like that. They only say, "we're living in the time of the end" in almost every book, magazine and tract they sell. Clearly this idiot has never read a Watchtower publication.
That was funny -- in a perverted sort of way. They are saying that they chose a yearly text with an urgent sound to it because of how close we are to the end. OK, I don't have any of their
garbageanymore to verify, but I know that we have an urgent year text every year that I was active. Does anyone have a list of year texts? LOL These guys are too much... -
I agree with frankiespeakin
It's funny that they would emphasis that 100% of the gb beleive they are in the time of the end. I guess
the gb want every one to know at least they still beleive it. Perhaps there is an under current in brooklyn
that may think other wise and the gb want every one to know where they stand. Or maybe someone left
bethel with some gossip that not all the gb are so sure anymore and they are trying to counteract any
negative reaction to the gossip.The GB are also trying to look more human this year with their pictures in the yearbook. I can't
help but feel that they are softening us up for further doctrinal adjustments- even if they are a
long time coming.Every member of the Governing Body 'believes we are in the time of the end'
That leaves room for saying"We had your best interests in mind, but we were wrong.
"We are only fallible humans. Because we are so old, we are going to add more fallible humans
to the GB from the ranks of the other sheep.""We now know that the end must come within a set time frame"
They will continue to introduce the same old crap in new packages, occasionally slipping in
some dumb "new light" and see how the crowd reacts. They will proceed very slowly to
warp current light. -
In the armed forces, there are two goals to achieve manpower.
Recruit and Retain. If one is slacking, the other picks up.
Recruitment in the WTS is down, so this kind of stuff is heavy
into the retaining policies. Reassure the members that we
care, we pay attention, we are here for you. -
"We are deep in the time of the end and close to its finish, now they dont normally make statements like that"
Any one who buys that has to be brain dead.
I have been out for twenty years and that does not sound one bit different then any other talk at any given circuit or district assembly. If you bleeped out the year it could be confused with any talk from the last forty years from my perspective.
Seeing that picture of the governing body in another post I could predict they may over anytime in '07.
" They normally don't make this statement that we are living in the last days"
That's a joke
They have been saying it for 140 years
For an antidote to the Governing Body fear-mongering: