Well, that only works on those who are scared of "the end." I'm not afraid of it; I've lived the best I can, and I'm as ready as I'll ever be, I think. Why are the Dubs so fearful about the end? Aren't they behaving themselves?
Barf Alert! - Governing Body 'believes we are in the time of the end'
by drew sagan 63 Replies latest jw friends
"deep into the last days"
*** w80 10/15 p. 15 par. 14 Are We Nearing Armageddon? ***
All of this tells us that we are deep into the “last days,” and that events are moving rapidly toward the “great tribulation.”
*** w99 5/1 p. 6 Everyone Will Be Free ***
We see around us mounting evidence that we are deep into “the last days,” when God’s long tolerance of rebellion and its resultant wickedness will end.
*** w84 7/15 p. 16 par. 6 Build Your Future With Jehovah’s Organization ***
6 We are now deep into “the last days” of this wicked system of things. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) World events aligned with Bible chronology establish the fact that Jesus Christ began to rule in the heavens in the autumn of 1914.
*** kn31 p. 2 Are We Nearing Armageddon? ***
World events in fulfillment of prophecy show that we are deep into the “last days,” in “critical times hard to deal with.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) This means that we are nearing the Biblical “Armageddon.”
*** g82 7/22 p. 11 Can Violence Be Rooted Out? ***
The present violent conditions are evidence that we are deep into the “last days,” and that within our lifetime Jehovah God will bring this change.
*** w81 11/15 “Peace and Security!”—Then “Sudden Destruction” ***
3. (a) How do we know that we are deep into the “last days”? (b) Why can we have complete confidence in Bible prophecy?
*** w78 8/1 p. 18 par. 8 Are You Self-Indulgent—or Self-Sacrificing? ***
8 As we progress deep into the “last days” there is an ever greater need to keep wide awake spiritually and to intensify our willingness to make sacrifices to serve God acceptably.
*** g77 3/22 p. 8 “This Is a Bulletin!” ***
An it is only unknowingly that, by means of their fast and often thorough coverage of certain world events, news agencies make Christians ever more aware of the evidence that we are deep into the “last days” of this world’s system (2 Tim. 3:1-5; Matt. 24:3-44)
"deep in the last days"
*** w01 2/1 Have You Made the Truth Your Own? ***
19. How do we know that we are deep in the last days?
*** w00 12/1 p. 18 par. 17 Do You Love Jehovah’s Reminders Exceedingly? ***
Since we are living deep in the last days of this wicked system of things, let us keep praying for divine help so that we can continue to observe Jehovah’s reminders and thus ‘keep on guard according to his word.’
*** w82 10/1 p. 15 Bring Your Heart Back to Jehovah ***
Furthermore, world conditions show that we now are deep in the last days and that soon this hope will become a reality. Striving to attain such a hope surely is worth while!
Yeah, they hardly ever say it.
You beat me to it, my wife got this in an email and almost couldn't help giving myself away.
I had to appeal to the bible and that no one knows......
GAL1 v8 However even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news let him be ACCURSED.
GB, beware!!!!
They need to come up with a new hook like the "last generation" thing that fizzled out finally at the end of the millennium. In the meantime I am just shaking my head at their silliness and audacity.
yah so does Pat robertson , jack van impe and john hagee , I think they don't want to be out done by the competition that's all . I'm going to have to check that clip out tho.
Orangefatcat, I love your post, just a point of clarification... The destruction of Sodom and Gohmorrah happened after Noah's Flood.
And yet the scriptures claim Jehovah is slow to anger. It seems Jehovah lets his anger get the best of him all the time.
Reverend Jason Graves
Does the WTBTS ever do good news?
sheesh, Armageddon "again"... this is da year 2'007
1Love & Peace
Gosh I hope I'm doing enough!
MMMeh, I just watched The Day After for the first time in twenty years. I'd forgotten that tiny little whisper of a background fear of death by holocaust, and what happened to that massive international 'faint out of fear'? For thirty years, a squadron of nuclear armed bombers was circling the Arctic at every given moment in the event of the sudden need to wipe out humankind. That's over, but now terrorism is here, and WBTS has jumped on that fear bandwagon instead. Calamity Inc.
drew sagan
Thanks for the qoutes rassillon!
What I still can't believe is the people sitting there who more than likely thought they where hearing something special. The even scarier thing is if you put many of us in their position we would be the ones saying 'look, the GB thinks we are really close!!!'. How easy it is to buy into the bizzare rantings of men when it serves our emotional purposes.
This is why I feel bad for all who are JW, because they are played like a harp by their leaders. -
When the speaker said the GB felt the end was near, the first thing I thought was, ''Yeah, the end of their fat paychecks.'' lol.
You know what's awesome about this? Since this file gives the exact year text and scripture, you can go back and look it up in about 5 years and ask any dub, ''So where is it?''
Besides, I always thought the end was supposed to come ''like a thief in the night'' when noone was expecting it.
~luv, jojo