Dear Narkissos,
So basic and relevant a question! I'm tardy with my response as I've been absorbed with my recent inter-planetary sojourns. I remember Sarek's comment about its seeming right at the time, but where were we? Oh, no matter.
Talked Saturday with my best friend from high school. Very brainy sort, who went off to conquer the world and half-suceeded, IMHO. We are in constant touch, in particular discussing my deconversion processes. I was rather shocked when she said that my letters to her overseas sounded like religious tracts! I was in college but on the verge of quitting and going on to baptism and pioneering [8 years counting to '75]. Prior thereto, we were engaged in all sorts of scholastic pursuits, creative endeavors, and plans to better the likes of humanity. Well, she did just that through governmental, scholastic and other worldly-soon-to-be-destroyed-by-God agencies. She succeeded big-time, traveling the world and broadening her proverbial horizons. I wound up with a stack of un-placed WT and AWAKE! ragmags and a mortgage. Most of my family followed me to the TOWER.
Lady friend's observation was that we were both idealistic and earnest youths. We both STILL are [not young, but earnest and idealistic]. She is an atheist and I am a Christian. I wanted to change people - the world of mankind - through the offices of the HS and 'the whole body of truth that is unique to Jehovah's Witnesses.'
I need lots more time to sort through the last 40 years. Hopefully, I will catch up with dear, kind and patient Friend.