Here is something else to add to the mix, another example of Watchtower bumbling idiocy:
*** w95 9/1 p. 17 par. 17 Christian Witnesses for Divine Sovereignty ***
17 Still, that first-century preaching work was merely a foretaste of what would be accomplished during the last days. Looking forward especially to our time, Jesus said: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10) Has this prophecy been fulfilled? Indeed, it has. From a small start in 1919, the preaching of the good news has now been extended to more than 230 countries. The witness is heard in the frozen North and in the steaming tropics. Large continents are covered, and remote islands are sought out so that their inhabitants can receive a witness. Even in the midst of great upheaval, such as the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the good news continues to be preached. As in the first century, the witness is bearing fruit “in all the world.” The good news is openly announced “in all creation that is under heaven.” The result? First, the remaining ones of the Israel of God have been gathered “out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” Second, the millions of the “great crowd” began to be brought in from “all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.” (Revelation 5:9; 7:9) Matthew 24:14 continues to be fulfilled in a large way.
Society's claim of Matt. 24:14 being fulfilled - What it could really mean
by Jourles 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mr. Kim
Been waiting for some GOOD news! The horse is saddled up and ready to ride! In what part of the world shall we begin?
darth frosty
What if this is a cut and run ploy. Check it out. The society starts dropping the hints that the preaching work has been accomplished. They start to scale back production and stop making books first and then mags are next. Meetings will follow next. They tell the R&F to go into their 'inner rooms' as it were and wait for the great and fear inspiring day of Jah! to take place. Meanwhile during all this a very controlled and quiet liquidation of all of the societies major holdings is going on.
The sheep will not pay any attention to what the WTB$ is doing because they are looking forward to 6 billion people getting whats coming to them. By the time any 'witness' gets a hint something is afoot literally years could have passed by.
What if this is a cut and run ploy.
Could happen. But I love how we went from "Matt. 24:12 is fulfilled"
according to a recent set of talks- to the preaching work will stop-
to the printing presses are shutting down- to WTS is shutting down.I can imagine this- IF (and only IF) the Governing Body has already
lost control of it's own monster. If the corporation controls them, too,
then I could see the corporation destroying all their credibility with
the rank and file in one huge money grabbing collapse.Isn't it fun to speculate wildly?
Speculating here can be half of the fun LOL-----Here is a theory I came up with. What if the WT Society was to change the way they have been broadcasting their message. What if the WT Society were to say "The door to door preaching work has been fulfilled, however we will still allow people to come to us" What if the WT Society started running TV commercials with smiling faces and happy pics, and then gave a 1-800 number to respond to. This way the JW's wouldnt have to cold call on uninterested people, but people who have shown interest in the commercial. This way the JW still keeps busy studying with newly interested people, they just dont go door to door anymore. It would probably be more effective than door to door.
It would probably be more effective than door to door.
What would not be more effective than door-to-door?
Not a bad idea for the Publishing Company.
There used to be commercials on tv and radio to get your
free copy of the Book of Mormon (The other door-to-door cult) -
rare treat
It is simply another way for the Society to keep loyal members on their toes in expectations of the impending arrival of Armageddon. They have learned their lesson on pinpointing specific dates, so they must saturate the "any day now" mentality with Jehovah's Witnesses.
For awhile a few years back, the WTS was running PSAs with an 800 number.
the WTS was running PSAs with an 800 number
That just gave me an awesome idea. get a bunch of people with autodialers set for their 800 number. The WTS gets hit with a .10c charge for each call received plus per minute charges(or whatever amount they contracted for). Make 'em bleed even more where it hurts - in the pocketbook!