Do you sense the need to defeat or destroy the Watchtower lessening? I do.

by nicolaou 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    No, I no longer am as single minded as I was when I first learned I was duped to defeat the WT. I still will try to help people to see they've been had, but it doesn't consume me as before. I still have family in it, and will try to help them out if I can but it is no longer aan obsession.

  • Arthur
    I don't feel that you can help someone who is so diligent about being blinded to reality. So I am slowly waning myself of trying to help others trapped by the society, since they are now CHOOSING to BE blinded.

    I feel the same way. When I was a devout Witness; there was no amount of solid evidence on earth that could have made me question the organization. All I had to do was attack the messenger as a "proud, haughty, apostate, enemy of Jehovah". I didn't have to think things through. The brothers in Brooklyn did it for me. And for a while; I was happy with this arrangement.

    However, it is very difficult when one's entire family are devout JWs; as is the case with me. All I can do is honestly present to them what I have learned and discovered. Beyond that; there is nothing I can do. I believe that questioning the organization begins on the inside. Something within the individual sparks the questions.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    I guess most of us REALLY do understand the meaning of the words "the truth will set you free."

  • Dansk

    Claire and I were driving into the local town last Saturday and saw a group of JWs on a corner chatting amongst themselves. This just after we'd seen two individuals walking along a street. Both sightings did absolutely nothing to us. Three of the people we recognised (they didn't notice us driving past) and they have been in the congregation for years (one couple was the P.O. and his wife).

    Claire and I just felt what a wasted life they had, but even if they were to find out it was all a lie now they'd still carry on because they're the type of people who would hate to lose face.

    So, from a personal perspective, yes, Watchtower has no impact on us anymore, though we still have one child in it.

    I can understand those with family still in continuining to be bitter and angry, etc., but in our case we have moved on. We don't want to spend the rest of our lives dwelling on the injustices and lies because that would merely rob us of the happy lives we should be living now - in freedom!


  • diamondblue1974

    For me, on a personal level, I'm satisfied that the WTS was defeated in 1995 when they published what amounted to a retraction of the 1914 doctrine.
    Excellent point, this massive goalpost shift just hammered home every nail in the WTS coffin in my view - I was already bordering on inactive when this new light was shed, the news only confirmed previously what I originally thought would happen. DB74

  • Gill

    Sadly, being a born in, I stil have too much WTBTS entrails trapped in my head, once I removed the main body of the beast.

    I want to be indifferent, and I want to not care, but I have not reached that point yet. Also, I am the sort of character that enjoys a big 'wind up'.

    The WTBTS 'wound me up' for the majority of my life so far, now I want some fun being 'bad' and having a bit of 'wind up' time of my own.

    I have become a lot calmer and more calculated towards the WTBTS. It rarely brings me out in a rage now, infact it just makes me laugh a lot, and I think that is why I am hooked on chatting here and forcing people who have shunned me for years into talking to me.

    I'll get fed up eventually.......just not yet!

  • diamondblue1974

    The WTBTS 'wound me up' for the majority of my life so far, now I want some fun being 'bad' and having a bit of 'wind up' time of my own.

    I have become a lot calmer and more calculated towards the WTBTS. It rarely brings me out in a rage now, infact it just makes me laugh a lot, and I think that is why I am hooked on chatting here and forcing people who have shunned me for years into talking to me.

    Its cheaper than therapy and no doubt a damn sight more satisfying too!


  • Gill

    Gary - I'm finding that it works much better than therapy.

    The lady that I see is cool. She is totally anti religion, and is getting more wound up about the WTBTS than me. She actually went to visit some KHs last month and commented that they look like prisons or detention centres! I may have to start counselling her at the rate we're going.

    She has always told me that I really need to start being 'bad'. I have to do what I'm not allowed to do.....(not major or even minor crimes, but just bad behaviour and back talk etc......she'll be getting me ASBO' d soon!!!)

    But since I have been doing what she suggest....ignoring the WTBTS rules, I feel empowered. I'm trying to arrange buying lots of lottery tickets just as a bunch of JWs walk into the local Sainsburys but they never come in at the right time!

  • Gregor

    Gill, I don't know you but for what it's worth I would like to point out that those who have just busted out of the WTS straightjacket should be cautious not to get caught up in a "backlash" effect. You really need to examine yourself and decide what principles are YOURS. Even in small things like using curse words, everyone needs their own personal boundaries and take care not to eat too much forbidden fruit until you are ready.

    This also known as "Don't throw out the baby with the bath water"

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