There has been a lot of discussion about the claim that the GB feel they have fullfilled their obligation to preach.
This would be no surprise. They never took it seriously.
Think about it. Jesus said if you want to really do what is right you need to sell your property and give to the poor. AND THEN... you could follow Jesus.
After pentecost there was an arrangement where an individual could sell his property and give the proceeds to the Apostles.
Jesus said Seek first the kingdom and all these other things will be added.
If the Watchtower REALLY believed in the life saving nature of the witness work they would be on an emergency basis.
They would encourage communalism. Shared housing for everyone. Anyone who wanted to pioneer would receive provision.
INSTEAD they tell prospective pioneers to "count the costs" which means you are on your own. So many pioneers had to quit because they couldn't afford rent or a reliable automobile. Or they needed to cover medical expenses.
If they took it seriously they would discourage people from spending money on luxuries, - cruises, vacation homes, luxury automobiles, . Everyone would REALLY be content with sustenance and covering.
If they set up a system of shared living for people who wanted to pioneer they could have half of the congregations in the full time work. Not just 90 hours per month, but 200 hours per month or more.
As it is, they have really watered down any sense of urgency. They SAY the preaching is URGENT. But apparently their God doesn't think its really urgent. If lives are really at stake you would expect extraordinary measures to be put into effect. Communal living would be the answer if they really felt it were urgent.
Some might say that communal living is a recipe for dissaster. But shouldn't people who set themselves up as an example of brotherly love be able to make such sacrifices with God's help.
The truth is they never have put their money where their mouth is. Some have. Mostly those who want the reward of higher status in the organization.