Looking for info on the WTS development of baptism ?'s & requirement's

by jwfacts 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Narkissos

    Very interesting -- not sure I ever noticed that (or did I forget?).

    I find it quite telling anyway that such a major symbolical sectarian feature as sacramental exclusivism (not acknowledging another church's baptism) was not directly introduced by Rutherford (as I would have thought) but was worked out by the structure itself long after his death, through the needs of inner consistency as it were.

    It shows what kind of "changes" a structure can perform in the absence of creative and practical minds (counting FW Franz as a creative but not practical mind).

  • blondie

    The questions I was referencing were not the 2 asked at the baptism but the multitude of questions asked prior to that by the elders to determine if the person "qualified" for this step. You can no longer just show up and be baptized.

  • codeblue

    Very interesting to know the "history" of JW baptisms....

  • Atlantis


    Scans from moggy lovers list and a couple extra. (Credits to moggy) Watchtower-1942-October-1-p.302 http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs938834.jpg **************************************************** Watchtower-1955-July-1-p. 412 http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs855221.jpg **************************************************** Watchtower-1956-July-1-p.406 http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs943218.jpg **************************************************** Watchtower-1956-December-15-pp.762--763 http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs928049.jpg http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs929794.jpg **************************************************** Watchtower-1956-July-1-p.407 http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs849022.jpg **************************************************** Watchtower-1966-October-1-p.603 http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs940215.jpg **************************************************** Watchtower-1985-June-1-pp.29-30 http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs934158.jpg http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs935264.jpg **************************************************** Watchtower-1987-April-15-p.12 http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs94142.jpg *************************************************** Cheers! Atlantis-

  • Atlantis


    Here are the scans of the 1945 Watchtower moggy mentioned above. See bottom of page 44 and top of page 45 Watchtower-1945-February-1-pp.44-45 http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs944386.jpg http://m1.freeshare.us/view/?127fs945676.jpg Cheers! Atlantis-

  • jwfacts

    Thanks for all the information, and all your hard work Atlantis.

    I wonder if the reason for the rigid changes to baptism coincides with disfellowshipping. It was not until 1952 that disfellowshipping was clearly outlined and judicial committees were used to judge people. It becomes important for a person to publically prove to the elders and announce to the brothers that they clearly know what they are getting into if later can be disfellowshipped for breaking a set of laws.

  • Atlantis


    Your welcome!

    Tweety picture no.0511

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    while looking for something else I found this bit of info

    The regular service opened with hymn No. 20, followed by a discourse on Baptism by Brother Russell. (Brother Russell said that he did not hope to give anything new, on this subject, or anything that had not heretofore been given or published in Dawns and Towers. Therefore we refer you to the 6th Vol. of Millennial Dawn, Chapter X. At the conclusion of his discourse those stood up who wished to be immersed, and after appropriate questions, were extended the right hand of fellowship.

    I'll see if I can find that chapter

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