I'd love to be a part of this in any fashion that I can be of service...
Has anyone concidered going on a talk show about the JW's?
by megsmomma 22 Replies latest jw friends
Good job Towerwatch !!!! Hey!!!! great news. You do fine on your feet my friend I know //I have been there at PA to hear you. Yes J Guy I was on T.V> Sally Jessie Rhapeal, also "Roughcuts" also CBC," Shirley Show" Also "Glens show" about JWS Now to meggsmomma I raise my hand!!!!! I have the biggies!!! But I dont think Stern likes the old 79 year old ones he like them young & firm
I am not a hardcore C2C listener but there are a few topics that I find very facinating. At least I can look up the schedule on thier website. Yes the guests can be funny but some of the callers are obviousely off of thier psych meds, those are the best. Hearing George or Art draw them out is great. I wonder how often they have to hit the "snicker mute button"? Some of them are so way out there that they really should be institutionalized for thier own protection. Hearing them talk gives me the willies knowing they out on the streets amonst us.
C2C would be very good platform to address the cultish behavior of the Borg. They have a demographic of 20 to 22 million listeners plus thier podcast subscribers. I don't know if an email campaign would make it happen but it would be worth a try.