Lots of names I remember, over my 30 years as a JW.
I remember Paul Presland when he was a CO came to our KH. He was doing the Thursday night meeting "New things learnt" I think they used to call it. He was discussing a Watchtower article and there was a picture on one of the pages. He asked what was wrong with the picture.
A sister said one of the men in the picture had a beard. Paul straight way said "There is nothing wrong with any Christian brother having a beard."
You could hear the whole audience gasp. I think one Elder nearly fainted. But no brother ever did chance growing a beard though.
I mentioned one on the list I put on here was Keith Johnstone. He was a pioneer, Elder, Field Service Overseer, with his wife Louise, in our congregation for many years. They were a well liked couple, didn't have children, devoted to the ministry. He used to stand in for CO duties occasionally. Then he was appointed a Circuit Overseer officially. Round 1990 I think. Everyone was made up for him.
They were sent up to the North East of England, Middlesborough area. They were there for nearly two years maybe. Then we heard that Louise was pregnant. Everyone was surprised seeing that they had made sure not to have children for many years. Of course they had to give up the Circuit and they came back. Went back to being Elder and Service Overseer in the congregation.
A few years later after I had left the JW's. I was contacted by one of the posters on here, who knew my congregation. He had moved down south, still a JW but fading. We went over "old times" and JW's we knew. He asked if I knew Keith Johnstone. Did I know why he came off the Circuit. I said because wife got pregnant. He said that was the excuse they had to use. From what my contact said is that Keith had been shaken by some of the things that were going on in congegations. That the only way they could get out of the circuit, without people asking questions was for the wife to get pregnant. Funnily I often thought Keith was not the same when he came back, he seemed to have lost that "bounce" he had before.