The lack of love and support at a time when I needed it. Having depression was bad enough. But having people you had known for 25 years avoid you. By having your wife, under the direction of the Elders, tell you to leave the family home because you are a "spiritual danger" to the family. Not once did anyone say "We'll help you get through this and back on your feet." if they had I may well have been still a JW. But in their perverse minds doing the opposite, ignore you, avoid you, get you own wife to dump you, go to another congregation, is a "loving action" and suppose to bring you back to heel.
For a year I was probably stumbling along trying to do my best as a JW. Then one day I picked up a book that revealed to me the true nature of the Watchtower organisation. This led to the Internet, Freeminds, JWD and other sites and Ray Franzs two books. . For two years I devoured everything ending up with stacks of printed off material. I stopped going to meetings. In all this time not once did I get a "shepherding visit" no call, nothing, not even an invite to the Memorial. Then in September 2001 two Elders called, I was out, but they were only calling to get "inactive" ones back because numbers were dropping. This annoyed me , just being seen as a number on their records. I then officially DA'd , which was 30 years from when I became a JW. It meant that I could no longer see my two of my children who were still JW's. But I had already become a Christian before this. It is now 5 years since I last spoke to my JW wife and two JW daughters.