Well that was a hard phone call to make

by SixofNine 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    It makes me wonder how I would have handled it if I was a witness? Would I have called? Maybe. Probably not. She's a woman of particular faith; and it's too late for a conversion, and she gets a ticket to the new system anyway, so what a convenient excuse to do nothing. I haven't seen her in two years or more anyway.

    I got the call from a mutual friend about a week and a half ago, Betsy, an old friend and work associate was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer the day before. Absent the odd miracle, that gives you maybe 3 months to live, with chemo.

    She's already through the first round of chemo, and feeling very weak. She had a visitor when I called, Jana, who I'd met when I did portraits of Betsy, Jana, and another bald woman, about 6 years ago when they were all going through chemo for breast cancer.

    I've seen Betsy hurt by, and disapointed in, certain people a time or two, but I've never heard her say an unkind word about anyone.

    Betsy and I were working together on 9/11/2001. Fortunately, it was the type of job that needed my full focus at key times, and that broke me away from a constant and increasing worry about my daughter and exwife vacationing in Manhattan. At about 5:00 pm, after 8 hours of phone calls, waiting, worrying, more phone calls, and increasingly more worry, Betsy held me as long as I needed to be held as I let it all out when I finally got the call saying Teddy and Lannie were OK.

    Today, on the phone, we made fairly small talk. I'll go and see her next week, and we may or may not speak of death. If we do, it will be her decision. I'll be completely unarmed with Watchtowers or Bibles or 32 page brochures, and if her faith is comforting her, I'll be nothing less than grateful for her faith. I hope we don't speak of death, because I think she probably handles this stuff with far more grace than my emotions allow me. But if we do, and I, or we, end up crying, I'm sure we'll end up laughing too.

    As we said goodbye, I told her "I love you", and got immediately choked up. She told me she loved me, and I said goodbye, hopefully w/o her hearing my voice break.

    Betsy's on the right (sorry for the crappy scans):



    (the b/w doesn't show it, but there are three red lipstick kisses on my head)

  • IP_SEC



  • Ingenuous


    Amazing pictures. Great post.

  • purplesofa

    what a beautifully difficult time.

    lovely photo


    edited to add: Are they sisters? The reason I ask......recently a friend of mine......her brother died from cancer and all of the men in the family shaved their heads when the cancer first appeared. A year later and they all still have shaved heads (about 8 of them)

    about 6 years ago when they were all going through chemo for breast cancer.

  • MegaDude

    Beautifully put, Sixo.

  • megsmomma

    Those are truely awsome photo's. You did a great job catching the sparkles in their eyes! (too bad the kisses on your head didn't stand out too...It was sweet!)

    I agree with you...whatever she gets comfort from at this time....that is the least of what people deserve in this world. So sad.

  • LittleToe

    Being touched by a life, and touching others...
    ...yeah, well, you know what I mean... words fail...

  • Narkissos

    So sorry, ((((((Six))))))


  • JWdaughter

    Those were awesome pictures.

    It is a sad thing to face, though death is ultimately our universal and inevitable fate. Something to be said for a little mystery about how it will end for us, but it is good to be comforted and to love in the way that feels good for us at the time. Its a good thing to be able to lean on friends and to know one is loved. If that is all we can give a friend -our shoulder and our love-that is often the most valuable thing we can give them.

  • juni

    My heart goes out to you sixonine. Thank you for sharing with us your personal grief and also a wonderful part of life and that is friendship. Often times we get so busy that we lose sight of what is important to our personal well being and joy. Your post has helped me and I'm sure others also to reflect on our friendships and to nurture them.

    Heartfelt best wishes to you and Betsy as you spend precious time together.


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