Give a JW answer to a question..................

by JH 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    You surely noticed that the JW's have an answer to everything.

    Question: My dad died

    JW answer: He will probably resurrect

    Question: I don't feel well

    Answer: In the new system everyone will feel well

    Post your own set of questions and answers, JW style...

  • zagor

    Question: Where do I find a girl?

    Answer: there will be 70 virgins on every brother in the new system

    ups that was for mulsims

    Though jdub version is not much different lmao

  • lilybird

    If my baby doesn't have a blood transfusion , he will die

    Dub answer: Taking blood is against the Governing Body's law. Your baby will be resurrected in Jehovah's new system of things.. Wait on Jehovah.

  • reneeisorym

    Question: I miscarried.

    Answer: There will be babies in the new system.

    Question: My husband beat me.

    Answer: Have you been going to the meetings and setting a good example?

    Question: I have such a sweet husband.

    Answer: That's what happens when you marry inside Jehovah's organization.

    Reply: Yeah. I only wish he would go back to the meetings.

    Question: I think I might be gay.

    Answer: Well quit masturbating and go out in service more.

  • Confession

    Question: “Why shouldn't we speak to former JWs who no longer believe it's "The Truth?"
    Answer: “Because they might lead you away from God’s true organization.”

    Question: “But what if these ones are right?”
    Answer: “They can’t be right since this is God’s true organization.”

    Question: “But shouldn’t such an organization withstand honest-hearted scrutiny?”
    Answer: “It’s thinking like that that has led many away from God’s true organization.”

  • JH

    Question: If I don't have sex now because I'm not married and if I put Jehovah first in my life and don't get married now because I rather preach and do spiritual stuff for God, and if I die, will I have sex in the new system when I ressurect?

    Answer: No, you had only one chance at it for sex. Resurrected ones don't get married, so no sex in the new system for the ones who resurrect....

  • PaNiCAtTaCk

    Me asking Elder........Ive been studying with richard for 7 months and he is still not making the meetings. Elder.......Brother, there is no use watering a dead stump!

  • Kaput

    I may lose my job. What should I do?

    Response: Pray to Jehovah.

    I lost my job. What should I do?

    Response: Pray to Jehovah.

    I still don't have a job. What should I do?

    Response: Pray to Jehovah.

    My wife just lost her job. What should we do?

    Response: Pray to Jehovah.

    My wife and I have been out of work for 3 months and now the bank's taking the house. What should we do?

    Response: Pray to Jehovah.

    We're living out of our car. What should we do?

    Response: Pray to Jehovah.

    We're staying at a Salvation Army shelter. What does this mean?

    Response: It means your prayers have been answered.

  • zagor

    Question: I can't find anything suitable to put on, what do I do?

    Answer: No worries after 1000 years there will be not need for clothes at all - that would be the only reason why I would want to be there

    I've ased that so many people if after 1000 years everything is going to be restored to its original Edenic glory, does that mean we're going to be nakid ... no one knew but I could sense every guy secretly hoped lmao.

  • nonamegiven

    Problem: I'm depressed

    Answer: Go out in service more

    Problem: I might loose my job and my house

    Answer: Go out in service more.

    Problem: My daughter is pregnant and we don't know which biker is the daddy

    Answer: Go out in service more

    Problem: I really want to get married so I can feel complete and happy

    Answer: Go out in service more

    Problem: some of the things I hear at the meetings don't make sense to me

    Answer: Go out in service more

    Problem:I'm gay

    Answer: Go out in service more

    Problem: I have cancer, my kids hate me, I just found out I'm adopted and my dog died

    Answer: Go out in service more, Go out in service more, Go out in service more, check the dog pound.


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