About the point that sixofnine brought up... when he met me he was thinking about getting out of it and then... he dropped off what he was saying. He did the same thing when I asked him why didn't he try to convert me. That is the biggest thing I have always known about them is that they believe that they should convert as many as possible into their faith... and he just said that he thought about it, but... and dropped it again. He said that everyone is asking if he is doing ok, and he says yes. He isn't doing fine... he is doing me!!! and that is wrong for him to say that everything is ok. Hopefully he will decide to follow in the direction of his heart that he did feel at one time, and face reality. He needs to act upon what he feels is right and what he must do if he wants to be with me.
And to larc, I know I am wrong and admit that I have sinned. Yet I am also human and have human desires that are very hard to ignore. I am not persecuted for my sins beyoned confession and my conscience. I would never cast the first or any stone to anyone that has sinned. I have not hurt anyone, killed anyone, stolen anything, I don't do drugs, smoke or drink. There are worse things in the world to possibly have done. Enjoying the closeness of another human being is being human. There are probably many out in the world that have hid this fact to others and continue to do so. I follow my religion to the best of my ability, I don't agree with all of their beliefs. But I try to follow it and understand my faults.
Spider, thank you. Even though you don't think it is good advice, it really is. It gives me some idea as to what is bouncing around in his head. It is the reality that many face when things are conflicting. Another fact is that I am not his first worldly girlfriend, and they knew about her and disliked her. Now, I know why. Yet, he won't share any of the situation with me so that I would be prepared to what I am going to be faced with. From his past I don't know how he has been able to continue in his faith and I can see where his heart and desires really direct him. Hopefully he will soon realize this as well. And I wouldn't be able to be crewl enough to him, to disfellowship him in any way. He really is very important to my life and I want to spend the rest of it with him.