Zack & Lilly,
Unfortunately my comment was taken out of context. I am sorry you did not understand my point. I don't recall Jesus ever saying that the physical Israel was being restored on earth. I know of spiritual Israel being established in Heaven, but I don't see were earthly Israel will be restored.
What is this thing with everyone wanting to go to Heaven. If everyone becomes priest and kings in Heaven then who will be subjects the animals?
So I guess if everyone's going to Heaven to become priest, then it will be their duty to pray on the behalf of the animal sins, since the animals will be the only creatures left on the planet. The earth will still be in existence to my knowledge, so I guess Walt Disney's prophecy about talking animals and fish was correct. The cartoons are correct!! Also I believe the dinosaurs will be resurected to animal life on earth and the apelike creatures in a quest to reinvent fire.