Two Classes?

by VanillaMocha73 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • unbaptized

    Zack & Lilly,

    Unfortunately my comment was taken out of context. I am sorry you did not understand my point. I don't recall Jesus ever saying that the physical Israel was being restored on earth. I know of spiritual Israel being established in Heaven, but I don't see were earthly Israel will be restored.

    What is this thing with everyone wanting to go to Heaven. If everyone becomes priest and kings in Heaven then who will be subjects the animals?

    So I guess if everyone's going to Heaven to become priest, then it will be their duty to pray on the behalf of the animal sins, since the animals will be the only creatures left on the planet. The earth will still be in existence to my knowledge, so I guess Walt Disney's prophecy about talking animals and fish was correct. The cartoons are correct!! Also I believe the dinosaurs will be resurected to animal life on earth and the apelike creatures in a quest to reinvent fire.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hello there..

    This is interesting..

    Unbaptized: You said:

    I I don't recall Jesus ever saying that the physical Israel was being restored on earth. I know of spiritual Israel being established in Heaven, but I don't see were earthly Israel will be restored.

    Something is going to happen for the natural Jews after the gentile times have ended and Jesus returns.. Note this scripture please:

    Romans 11:25 NWT For I do not want you, brothers, .....that a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Isreal until the full number of people of the nations has come in, and in this manner all Isreal will be saved. Just as it is written: "The deliverer will come out of Zion and turn away ungodly practices from Jacob. And this is the covenant on my part with them when I take their sins away."

    So, apparently, from this, God will have mercy once again on the natural Jews after Jesus returns out of Zion, on the second coming.. Not positive how...but I don't think it will be by giving the orthodox Jews their homeland, Isreal.. I think it will rather be a calling of the Jews who are scattered among the nations.. Jews could be alot of people that don't even know they are Jews much genelogy has be lost.

    2 groups:

    I think there is alot of evidense that there are 2 groups...ones who rule and judge and ones who do not.. I think heaven is a oneness to God and Christ while here on earth. And I think earth is just a physical way of looking at things. I think both groups will be right here on earth.

  • unbaptized

    Hello Star,

    I understand your reasoning, but I have to disagree on some of the comments made. I respect your beliefs though, since none of us are able to judge.

    I agree that the ancient Jewish nation had a blessed relationship with the creator and if it was not for them we would not know God at all.

    But I disagree with the statement that they will be restored as a special nation serving the Almighty God. That nation as a whole rejected the corner stone that was sent to them for a stumbling. They rejected the foundation of the new faith which is Jesus Christ. The scriptures state that although Israel is like the sand of the sea, only a remnant would be spared after God's judgement. Isaiah 10:21, 22, Romans 9:1-33, Romans 10:1-21

    That small remnant was the jews that received God's anointing of Holy Spirit during the festival of the Pentecost in 33 CE. Acts 2:1-4

    Also the Apostle Paul stated that just because you were born a Jew does not mean you really are chosen. He stated that Isaac's wife bore Esau and Jacob and chose Jacob while yet was still in the womb of his mother. Paul also said that Jacob was chosen not because he was the best or the first or because of his works. The Almighty God chose him because he wanted to choose him. Romans 9:6-13

  • hamsterbait


    I agree that it is important to do God's will, as revealed in the scriptures.

    However if the interpretations of Revelation, and the resurrection doctrine, as expounded by the WTBTS, are wrong then it is immediately obvious that they are twisting the scriptures.

    The apostle Peter speaks of those twisting the words of Paul "to their own destruction". Romans 11 is a case in point for the WT. Cooperating with such twisting will result in our own destruction. Galatians 1:8

    Revelation also talks of those adding to the understanding of Revelation in its 21st chapter. If the Apostles did not teach an earthly class of Christians, the the JWs are indeed accursed, and we should not listen to them. Luke 21;8.


  • unbaptized

    Hello Hamsterbait,

    No ones twisting the scriptures, we all have bible's so we can all agree or refute a comment. All I'm saying is let's let God do the choosing and accept whatever gift he chooses to give us in connection with his will. Remember it is the Almighty God who does the anointing and the choosing. Romans 9:14,18

    If you were not called be an anointed one, then you should continue to serve and enjoy the blessing that he bestows upon you.

    That's all I'm trying to say!!!

  • Narkissos


    Question: do you think those who have an "earthly hope" were chosen and called to that particular "hope"? Yes or no?

  • unbaptized

    Hello Narkissos,

    Nice to me you!

    If those with an earthly hope aren't chosen, not anointed, but chosen how are they going to be selected to survive?

  • Narkissos

    Thank you Unbaptized (btw, are you still unbaptised since '03?),

    If those with an earthly hope aren't chosen, not anointed, but chosen how are they going to be selected to survive?

    Does that count as a Yes?

    I asked because you seemed to stress God's choosing as the characteristic of the "anointed".

    Moreover you quoted from Romans 9 which presents a two-term alternative: either chosen for salvation, or (not-)chosen for perdition... not three-term, chosen for salvation A, not chosen or chosen in a different way for salvation B, (not-) chosen for perdition .

    Before you answer, may I also remind you of Ephesians 4:4ff (which applies to "chosen" people, 1:3):

    There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling,
    one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
    one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.

    How many of those seven "one" would apply to salvation B?

  • Hellrider
    What is this thing with everyone wanting to go to Heaven.

    I don`t see what a person "wants" or doesn`t "want" has to do with anything of this.

    If everyone becomes priest and kings in Heaven then who will be subjects the animals?

    Do you have to have subjects to be a king or priest? And who says that everyone in heaven will be kings and priests? And the passages ceoncerning this: What, exactly, in the Scriptures, would lead you to believe that the people becoming kings and priests in heaven are anyone living now, at all, while the original text was aimed at christians living at that particular time, people that were actually killed for their beliefs, actual martyrs for Jesus Christ and Christianity?

  • avidbiblereader

    Amen VanillaMocha

    Those are the only lines of reasoning I could find. And I must say they do not make much sense. Am I just dense? Let me say that the Bible is in a whole new light now that I feel the New Testament applies to me. The old way of believing that the Greek Scriptures only applied to the anointed and that I was not saved until the 144,000 applied Christ's sacrifice for me made the Bible and God seem distant.

    I likewise have been reading the scriptures on my own for the last 4 1/2 years and have come to the same conclusion many times over. Only when you get out can you spit out the hook, line and sinker. As you read you can feel and see God's HS opening your eyes to the truth as it is plainly there to see. Good to have you on board and welcome.


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