First time for me.........."The wedding night"

by new boy 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    Well all I know is that I have been married more than once, and neither of my husbands could satisfy me in bed. What is it about marriage? The best sex I've had is when I was not married to the person. Makes me think it's just not worth it for me to get married ever again, especially because the older I get the more likely I am to get stuck with someone who has ED (erectile dysfunction).

  • Gregor

    As two very young JW virgins we could not get things figured out until our third night. 5 kids and 42 years later we still have a laugh about it.

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    I've only ever been with my wife, and our first time was premarital, but I was lucky because she had experience and was very patient with me. I hadn't a clue what I was doing. I was just so blown away that I was actually doing it.


  • jaguarbass

    .......Since everyone here knows my real name..

    New boy, I dont know your real name. What is it. I feel left out of the loop.

    My name is Rob Quinn.

  • JWdaughter

    Gregor: "As two very young JW virgins we could not get things figured out until our third night. 5 kids and 42 years later we still have a laugh about it."

    Gregor, after all those years and 5 kids, I sure hope you have gotten it completely figured out!

  • new boy
    new boy


    Its Keith Casarona.......Its in my profile.....After I left 5 years ago I went a little crazy in the women department.............

  • JeffT

    I lost my virginity about about 4 years before I became a JW. Let's just say it wasn't one of my better moments, but I think that is true of everybody. JW kids are caught in a real bind, they have no chance whatsoever to figure out what they like or don't like (or for that matter who they like/don't like) and at the same time there is endless discussion of the subject around them. It feeds false expectations of what is going to happen and what it should be like (good and bad.)

  • stillajwexelder

    I remember my first time -I lasted 2 seconds - if that!!!

  • lfcviking
    Going to college and experimenting is part of growing up for most 20 yr olds

    Of course it is, its a normal part of growing up to discover & learn things about the opposite sex and yourself even. Rather that suppress your natural feelings & desires up into adulthood and when you meet your soulmate after much waiting & searching and then your wedding night and then................. oh dear

  • Stress Free
    Stress Free

    I remember when my sister got married some 25 or so years ago, they didn't know how to have sex for the first two days. Seriously, they were not able to work out where his woody was meant to go. LOL.

    My sister was a very strict witness (still is), however, on the third day they decided to go out and buy a book on sex. They were absolutely horrified at some of the topics and illustrations dealing with oral sex, masturbation, anal sex, etc. Anyway thanks to the book they eventually worked out how everything fits together, so to speak. Nevertheless, surprise, surprise, she never enjoyed it at the time.

    It reminds me of a jw friend who got married. He was around 21 and his new wife was about 18 years old and from a strict witness family. On their wedding night she cried when he tried to have sex with her, she said it was disgusting when he tried to undress her. She stated that she didn't know that she had to do anything on their wedding night and thought that it was only for procreation. To cut a long story short, they stayed together for around six months, in that time he never once got to have sex with her. My god wasn't he a frustrated guy, he signed the marriage contract and still couldn't get any sex!! She ended up living back with her parents and then he eventually divorced her some years later. How Sad.

    This really highlights how naive the majority of jdubs are when they marry young. Your whole life you are told how sex is dirty unless you are married. Then all of a sudden you say your marriage vows and you go from having a few kisses (if you where strictly chaperoned) to full on sex, nothing in between. No wonder why so many jw couples are incompatible in the bedroom department.

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