funny enough i grew up in the so called "truth" ,never baptised, but my mom has always been distant( i finally clicked, i'm not baptised and not in the truth)
i would always call her, but she would never call me, its funny really, but in a way i'm shunned by her, its really sad, i decided not to call her (its been 4 months since i heard from her), when my grandfather died i found out through my sister (who by the way found out through my aunt who is disfellowishiped), she wouldn't even call me, sorry to drag you into the whole story. Anyway i understand what you going through,be strong!
Puck puck
a little song to cheer you up!
yet another email...
by puck 22 Replies latest jw friends
Odrade, I appreciate how you turned them around into positive ideals! Unfortunately, some of our parents just aren't "thinking persons" — yet.
Puck said: my mom isn't just brainwashed, she's gotten the bleach and softener in there, too.
LOL! Add cobwebs to that recipe for my spiritually weak (tm) mom. I often have to explain current doctrines to her, as they've changed so much over the years.
When I pointed out some outright lies and omissions in Kingdom Proclaimers, she proclaimed, "Well, you should stop reading those apostate books!"
Uh, yeah. Whatever.
We should just be glad our moms still contact us, and try to show they care for us, in their own weird WT way.
~Sue -
five hours a week with their fellow Christians
Hmmmm....Meeting time only, time to get ready and drive to and from the Hall, meeting preps, field service, personal study.....try closer to fifteen a week.
just got this one from my mom...
11 things guaranteed by the watchtower bible and tract society.
1. We don't care how tired or busy you are, no amount of time spent is ever enough for us. 2. Don't ask us for anything, That is our job to ask stuff of you. 3. After you have joined, we pretty much ignore you unless you stop going to meetings, in which case we will have to shame you into coming back so you can contribute to the contribution box. 4. IF YOU QUESTION US, YOU ARE A TROUBLE MAKER. We treat you like children so that you become dependent on us for everything. After that, we own you. 5. Don't bother complaining, because we won't listen anyhow.
6. We never said we were perfect, cuz we aren't... oh, but we expect you to be.
7. Even if there is a legitimate problem in the kingdom hall, make sure nobody besides an elder knows about it, because we have to pretend we are always happy, We are after all...the happy people.
8. If something might offend someone, then don't do it, cuz we don't need no stumbling blocks. There is nothing more offensive than a sister's kneecap, or hair on an adult mans chin.
9. God needs all the money he can get to carry on his work, and wasting money on something unnecessary like new clothes when you could be helping us buy ink for the copy machine really pisses God off.
10. Blessed is he who professes to love God but hates his brother and sister, after all, that is what we expect you to do when we disfellowship them.
11. Blessed are you who, when you read this, think twice about joining up. -
i haven't seen my mother who is a (jw) in 4 yrs, i phoned her, because i was feeling a little down, she told me to find a witness and get a NWT, (instead of telling me that she loved me) so my point is, deep down she probably loves you, but with this religion unfortunately they don't teach you sensitivity and kindness. all the best and keep your chin up!
OMG, I called my dad yesterday...after years ...I wasn't feeling down at all...actually I called to tell him I love him and wanted him in my life. He said...Are you going to the KH? I said no...he said you need to get back before it's too late. I late for what? He said you know what. I said..I've decided I didn't want to live in your paradise earth. I just wanted to love my family, and friends now. That's why I'm calling, because I love you and I miss you...... He said...I can't talk to you unless you go back to the KH.
sorry lisa, thats horrible, our parents are nutters!
I noticed in the link, that was aimed at churches no 1 was changed from an hour a week to 5 meetings a week for the JWs
Just a reflection about this trend among JWs (see another example i.e. adapting or "translating" popular non-JW devotion/wisdom pieces to a JW setting.
So far this kind of job was essentially limited to the Writing dept. of the WTS. They looked for material in religious/worldly literature and made it look like exclusive JW stuff. With the Internet a growing proportion of JWs are able to realise how easy it is to translate "church" into "kingdom hall" and how far they are from being "unique". This is an unremarkable, but deeply undermining process for an exclusivistic structure.
Just wanted to say this is a brilliant thread! Odrade - you are witty and hysterical - maybe the "THINKING PERSON" bit needs to go in vold before it gets sent to any parents - but they will only see with their blinkered eyes won't they?!
narkissos -- my mother's head would explode. and then, once she got the bits back together again, she'd think the second set just doesn't apply, because "it didn't come from a witness". my mom isn't just brainwashed, she's gotten the bleach and softener in there, too.
That had my chuckling up my sleeve at my desk puck! Your mum and mine too! I phoned my mother and spoke to her for the first time since I was 22/23 in December. I decided I had to say what I needed to say which turned out to be: "Mum I'm just phoning to say I do love you. I know you want nothing to do with me and probably never will - however I love you in spite of that and I also want to thank you for all the things you did for me as a child especially insisting I wear round toe shoes because now I have really good feet. I do love you and I am always going to be at the end of the phone if you ever decide you want to talk to me. Please tell Dad and my sisters I miss and love them too very very much." She responded to me in a voice that was probably twisted sounding because I had taken her by surprise, but her words were as bad as the tone - she talked to me like I was a cold calling double glazing person, who had just burnt down an orphanage and laughed about it. Still I felt better for it and still do. I felt I had made some kind of peace and can maybe start moving on which is precisely what I am doing. I have to say if I had the choice between the odd sanctimonious email from my parents and what i do have which is nothing then I would choose the former - however irritating - because at least then I would know they still thought of me and cared for me and hadn't just wiped their hands of me with jubilance.
Create a rule that automaticlaly deletes garbage like that.