This is no surprise to me, knowing how hard the elders are made to work in the Kingdom Hall I used to attend.
It should worry the Society that so many are stepping down, and even leaving the Organisation altogether, but I doubt they will do much about it, apart from piling more work than ever on those left, and trying to appoint some of the young wannabees who are more interested in the power, prestige and position, and have no idea of the work involved.
I know elders who are drunks, who have marital problems, and who are worn out by their many duties, but doggedly cling on to their position because they love the power more than their families. I find myself wondering how long these men can carry on.
I don't know the figures for the UK, but I imagine they won't be much differrent from those in the USA. I know several elders who have stepped down in the last few years, and unfortunately they tended to be the ones who were more interested in helping the flock than the power their position gave them.