WTS Has Lost +35% of Elders in US Since 1994????
by Seeker4 74 Replies latest jw friends
One of the congregations that I attended between 5~10 years ago went from 11 elders to 5 (two stepped down, 5 moved away, one quit the religion cold turkey after a emotional breakdown and two moved in). The congregation isn't what it used to be, very lukewarm. Another congregation I was in lost several elders who just decided to step down, two left the organization. They also lost several MS. They appointed several new elders but it is not the same congregation... also lukewarm and sometimes cold. Several congregations I visited lost many people who just slowly faded away, they merged four congos into two.
Incidently seeker4, I believe it was in either in a SAD part or a KM last year or so that mentioned that the organization needed 40,000 men reaching out. This brain drain that Elsewhere mentioned is really a major cause of concern for the organization.
Yep, jah is speeding up the work hee hee
Incidently seeker4, I believe it was in either in a SAD part or a KM last year or so that mentioned that the organization needed 40,000 men reaching out. This brain drain that Elsewhere mentioned is really a major cause of concern for the organization.
Yep, jah is speeding up the work hee hee
One time a CO said that he "constantly gets request to send more elders, and more MSs to congregations." Of course, his response was that "There are no elders or MSs hiding in closets that I can just pull out and hand to you. You have to grow your own."
Grow their own? Not bloody likely. They're gonna need to relax a lot of regulations before they can get those 40,000. On top of that, the young men in my hall are content to coast along. No one wants responsibility, because Borg responsibility sucks.
At least two elders had to step down because they had scandalous children. My dad used to be an elder, but stepped down because he wanted to get off the treadmill. He was always busy with elder's meetings, and became even more of a nervous wreck than before.
They'll need to scrape that bottom of the barrel pretty hard.
They'll need to scrape that bottom of the barrel pretty hard.
*** Sound of scratching nails on a chalk board ***
Why do you think they cut-loose so many from Bethel?
I know two of these rejects and one has already made Elder (because two dropped out of the congo leacing it in danger of being deleted) and the other is a 19 y/o (and married wonder why he got booted from Bethel?) MS.
Yes Bros., give this young man who has never lived outside the Bethel commune (except for Mommy and Daddy's house) the lead....He's ready to run our lives!
The problem with their strategy of culling the rejects from Bethel to crown them Elders at the congoes, is that the in-place Elders will now have a good excuse to step aside. Before they could not because there just wasn't any one else!
Great thread.....
With the rate of loosing elders, there won't be many left to run the KH's...
At the 2006 District Convention I went to it was mentioned that there was a need for 40,000 elders and servants. I also see more "bottom-feeding" when it comes to recommending brothers. In fact on our body a brother was recommended as an elder even though he wasn't viewed as qualified by several elders. That rationale was that we had sent him to MTS school, sent him to Bethel, let him pioneer. He had all of the tools, he was in his thirties. We now had to give him the position so that he could put them to use and learn. Boy that decision has been a source of frustration ever since.
tsof -
None of the elders in my home cong are still there. Some have stepped down, some moved away, some were reproved. The did however ship in 2 elders from a neighboring a cong and appoint two ministerial servants as elder (one had been baptized 3 years, the other had been inactive for about 20 years and had only been reassociated for about 3 years), the two congregations in central OK where most of my witness family lives lost ALL of their elders due to disfellowshipping, removal, resignation, death and relocation. Other elders have been sent in to these congregations, but I believe they both only have 2 elders apiece, down from 6 apiece a few years ago.
drew sagan
Was that in a talk on the DC program or in private conversation?
It was straight from the platform during a talk. The guy wanted everybody to hear it, and thousands did.
-Drew -
House is a believer of a certain type,. Sort of a kick arse believer. He sort of reminds me of Jimmy Sturat's philosophy in the movie "Shenendooah." (sp) They are all gathered around the table to eat and he offers "grace" and thanks "God' for it all, "even though they had planted it harvested it, and cooked it ," , etc., "but they thanked him anyhow." LOL
As for me, I am a believer, but I know God expects me to do everything can for myself and then if I am just totally out of options, he may step in to help me. I accept that certain laws are universal, ie, do not lie, steal, etc., but beyond that, II make my own laws, based on what I am able to discern is correct. I do not cow-tow to any man or woman. I do obey the law b/c the law has a purpose and is useful. I do not blindly follow rules people make up, I question everything, In that way House and I share a bound. I don't find his rudeness OK, but he is quite clever at times which I find fun and amusing.AQnd he is much more vulnerable than he appears.
The show "Seinfeld " was based on Larry? Life experiences. He was George.
I wish I knew if House is based on someone or just made up. I would very much like to meet the real House.
Anyway, this was about elders and the congregations losing elders. They are, and the reason, if an elder has a thought of his own, he is removed. he MST cow--tow to the org or be removed. , very sad