WTS Has Lost +35% of Elders in US Since 1994????

by Seeker4 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut
    At this rate,,there will be "new light" again that each congregation will have only one "congregation servant" like before the 70s.

    That poor guy. I will visit a TMS/Serv. Mtg. just to see that when it happens.

    Meanwhile, there is a book on lulu.com. that's about going from MS to elder in six months.
    It's a joke, and serious at the same time. I thought about ordering it for some MS's I know.

    It looks like it suggests buying the right car, shmoozing, marrying a pretty wife, taking elders
    to dinner. Stuff like that.

  • silversurfer1

    newyork44m said

    A quick survey from this board. How many were elders during or prior to 1994 and no longer today?

    My last elder year was 1994

    I for one served before 94' and have been out since 03'. In Baltimore there was constant shuffling of elders (I was moved twice) to plug holes in other boe's. Except for a few cong's there was always shortages of elders through out the city.

  • blondie

    Yes, the previous CO went through and deleted about 10 elders in the circuit, all elders who had been JWs for 40 or more years, elders for 30 or more, city servants, POs, substitute COs, etc. All because they would not toe the new hardline of the Borg. Several don't even go to the meetings any more...what a scandal...it has caused more talking and questioning by the rank and file than if they had left them alone.


  • Hondo


    What goes around, comes around I guess. Now just the opposite is happening. In spite of all the sex scandel crap going on, more young Catholic men are seeking the priesthood than before. Is all this cyclical? Maybe like the sun-spot cycle (every 11 years) there is some sort of religious hierarchy type cycle. Catholics are seeing a growth now, maybe in a few years the Presbyterians will see same thing, then the Lutherans, the Baptist, etc... then the good JWs in a few years, although I hope not.


  • uninformed

    I was wondering for the sake of discussion how many congregations are there in the U.S.

    That would make how many elders per congregation?


  • Seeker4

    Uninformed -

    Garybuss and Notblind answered that earlier in this thread. There are 12,390 congregations in the Continental US.

    If the elder numbers are accurate, that means we've gone from approximately 8 elders per congregation to 4-5. That's a huge drop.

    What I see among the Witnesses is a really serious problem in the lack of leadership, both at the GB level and at the congregation level. This deserves another thread completely.


  • uninformed


    I appreciated this thread. Sorry that I missed gary's comment re; the number of congs. I must have missed a page, as I try to read everything he writes.

    12,000 congs with 60,000 elders is a real indicator that things are going south.

    I resigned in 2000 after 30 years, leaving about 10 left on our body. Of that 10, I know of at least 2 that have since been removed.

    That would work in the percentages, but not for move ins or appointments.


  • Seeker4


    It seems that a lot of us who've left ended up here on this site! It's a nice place to come and recover.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    What I see among the Witnesses is a really serious problem in the lack of leadership, both at the GB level and at the congregation level. This deserves another thread completely.

    I agree with this lack of leadership. I think it all comes from one fundamental error in doctrine.

    The organization doesn't fully understand the true purpose of a Christian congregation and the importance of Christian gifts. It doesn't matter what personal talents (or gifts) you have, if you are JW you must only do the required activities. Everything else goes to the back burner.

    Because only a certain type of activity is seen as profitable JW life becomes very restricted (and quite dull). People are not seen for the diversity they can bring, but instead are only viewed as valuble if they fill the role the org wants them to. The end result are Elders that either fit that mold or those that simply hold back their true feelings for fear of removal.

    If JWs allowed for their leadership to be more diverse (and lead activities that where more diverse) they would have a much more solid structure to their organization. But instead they focus only on a small range of qualities thus limiting themselves.

    Its like trying to build a house with just bricks. You can't build something with it, but not a house. They have the same situation. They have something leading their congregations and districts, but it is quite inadequate.

  • willyloman
    It's like trying to build a house with just bricks. You can build something with it, but not a house.


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