JWs funerals.......forget about the dead person lets preach!

by new boy 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    Well I am totally shocked!

    I NEVER heard of a non-witness having a witness funeral!

    When hubby died I was afraid they wouldn't give a memorial for him because of me being dissassociated.

    But they did.

    When my non JW Mom died in 87 my JW in-laws came to her funeral and I was overhearing what my JW MIL was saying to my dad.She told him that since she died before armaggedon she would be ressurected and they would meet again.My Dad started to have tears well up in his eyes. He was so touched by that and talked favorably about the JW's after that.They got him where it hurt and made him happy because they gave him hope. I had a very hard time keeping my mouth shut. It hurt that I had nothing to offer ..

    Later when he died his non-JW memorial was terrible..they knew nothing about him and you could tell in the ministers talk.My Mom had isolated him from his friends and relatives (She was mentally unstable) and he spent his life taking care of her. Sadly I was a JW for many years and didn't help him like I should have. The reason being my parents were worldly and the witnesses made me believe I should spend my time serving "Jehovah"

    Now..I just attended a service for my ex-daughter in law's dad. He died suddenly after finding out he had terminal cancer. ( two weeks)
    Again..the minister knew nothing about him. He was a wonderful father..He really loved his kids and you could tell. But the minister talked briefly about him and spent the rest of the time talking about his own trips to Israel and other places.The good part was they let his grown grandson give a short talk about him first .I think that is a good idea..I wish more were funerals would do that.

    They also had pictures of him on boards stacked on easels set up all around the room.It told his life story...

    It overall was a wonderful funeral..He was greatly loved..not for his money as he spent most of it helping whoever needed it.And whenever they needed it.He was a terrific guy..

    But through all that..I remember the wonderful look in my Dad's eyes when my JW MIL told him he would see my Mom again..strange how life works isn't it.

    Snoozy..who would rather attend a "worldly" funeral over a JW funeral anyday!!!!

  • LovesDubs

    The last JW funeral I went to was the LAST JW funeral I will EVER go to and that includes if my HUSBAND DIES! I refuse to allow those assholes anywhere near my family. The one I went to in 2000 I know I wrote about at the time was the husband of a DAd friend of mine. He was a JW til the end and had an elder give the "talk" during which the jerk totally ripped apart all nonJWs in the audience telling them ALL they were NOT WORTHY OF GOD as long as they were NOT JWS and that you had to EARN YOUR WAY for God to even listen to your prayers and that J- had loved the service and being a JW and blah blah blah. What I heard and what the widow heard was "_____ (insert dead guys name) was loyal to Jehovah and will receive the rich blessing of being in paradise...." "_________ (insert dead guys name) loved going door to door telling people the wonderful good news of the Kingdom and sharing his faith to save the lives of others...." "We will truly miss __________(insert dead guys name) and look forward to seeing him in paradise." "All of you sitting here today, dont you want to see your (insert Dad, Brother, Uncle and dead guys name here) again? You must be WORTHY and you must BE A JEHOVAHS WITNESS! So talk to any of the good brothers and sisters here and arrange a free Bible study and begin today!" It was HEINOUS!!!! It was NOTHING MORE THAN A JW INFOMERCIAL!

    Then when he finished and the widow stood to thank people for coming and to say that her husbands daughter would like to read a poem she wrote for her dad....ALL THE JWS STOOD UP IN THE MIDDLE OF WHAT SHE WAS SAYING AND NOISILY WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM!! They proceeded to walk just outside the windows of the funeral home laughing and milling about like they just REALLY made an impression in there, boy arent we GOOD little Witnesses and BOY DID WE SHOW THAT APOSTATE!!! Ha ha ha ha!!

    I swear to god...I wanted to RUN THEM ALL OVER when I left. What a hideous display of rude, obnoxious, UNLOVING behavior! Did they actually thing the DECEASED would have APPROVED of the way they just treated his WIFE AND FAMILY AND WORK MATES? His baby girl broke down in TEARS at what they did and the family and friends were appalled that he was a member of such a disgusting organization.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Then when he finished and the widow stood to thank people for coming and to say that her husbands daughter would like to read a poem she wrote for her dad....ALL THE JWS STOOD UP IN THE MIDDLE OF WHAT SHE WAS SAYING AND NOISILY WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM!! They proceeded to walk just outside the windows of the funeral home laughing and milling about like they just REALLY made an impression in there, boy arent we GOOD little Witnesses and BOY DID WE SHOW THAT APOSTATE!!! Ha ha ha ha!!

    I swear to god...I wanted to RUN THEM ALL OVER when I left. What a hideous display of rude, obnoxious, UNLOVING behavior! Did they actually thing the DECEASED would have APPROVED of the way they just treated his WIFE AND FAMILY AND WORK MATES? His baby girl broke down in TEARS at what they did and the family and friends were appalled that he was a member of such a disgusting organization.

    Dear Luvsdub,

    OH MY GOSH!!!! I cannot believe what I just read!!! But what's sick is I can actually visualize them doing that in our old hall. In fact, I cannot think of a hall that wouldn't do that very same thing!! How APPAULING!!! And that is supposed to be love?? WHATEVER!


    Lady Liberty

  • Mary
    Then when he finished and the widow stood to thank people for coming and to say that her husbands daughter would like to read a poem she wrote for her dad....ALL THE JWS STOOD UP IN THE MIDDLE OF WHAT SHE WAS SAYING AND NOISILY WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM!! They proceeded to walk just outside the windows of the funeral home laughing and milling about like they just REALLY made an impression in there, boy arent we GOOD little Witnesses and BOY DID WE SHOW THAT APOSTATE!!! Ha ha ha ha!!

    That is just sickening. If that happened to me now, I would not hesitate to confront them right then and there to tell them what a bunch of disgusting hypocrites they are and their behaviour was nothing short of Satanic. Assholes.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I think jws look forward to funerals, especially if the deceased had a few non witness relatives. It's an ideal opportunity to give what amounts to a public talk to people who would normally ignore what the jws have to say. I have been to several jw funerals, as the elderly in the kh I attended gradually died off,and I have never really heard anything comforting towards the non jw relatives by the brother giving the talk. It was always "________ died faithful and will be resurrected, if you want to see him/her again you can, just study with us and we will brainwash you teach you how".

    It makes me glad I have no jw relatives or friends now, so I won't ever have to attend another funeral that those bullshi**ers are involved in.

  • lilybird

    When my husbands brother died recently, he had never been baptised but associated because of my inlaws, who were staunch dubs.So the funeral was held in the chapel of the funeral home, which was nice. The talk was given by an elder who had never known him. They spent 5-10 minutes talking a bit about the person my brotherinlaw was.(a young man died at 39 due to a drunk driver). ..Then the rest was dub talk about the new system.. blah blah.. and my mother-in-law and his aunt sat in front of us, nodding their heads in agreement to everything he said. I found it all so ridiculous...Then the elder had the gall to say that "worldly people trivialize death". It made me so angry when we hear stories of adults and babies dying because of no blood.. and that isn't trivializing death?...They don't worry about dying.. they will be resurrected.. They really are mindlessly brainwashed.Its sad really.

  • PEC

    When my Mother died, at the JW memorial service, I was given dirty looks, (mostly by family members) they were trying to make me feel like, I didn't belong at my Mother's funeral. I attended out of respect for my mother and her beliefs, this is how I get rewarded by those JW whacko's. Today 11 years later the pain and anger are still just as strong, it should have been a celebration for her life not, a opportunity to punish those that don't conform.


  • lighthouse19something

    Funeral homes normally 'honorarium' to the minister, is the kept by the speaker, or does wts claim it?

  • james_woods

    We were instructed to either refuse the honorarium (preferred), or to contribute it to the "worldwide work", if some of the family insisted.

  • Snoozy

    Lovedubs...I would like to help you run them down..that sounds just like the JW's I knew. It makes a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach..


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