Well I am totally shocked!
I NEVER heard of a non-witness having a witness funeral!
When hubby died I was afraid they wouldn't give a memorial for him because of me being dissassociated.
But they did.
When my non JW Mom died in 87 my JW in-laws came to her funeral and I was overhearing what my JW MIL was saying to my dad.She told him that since she died before armaggedon she would be ressurected and they would meet again.My Dad started to have tears well up in his eyes. He was so touched by that and talked favorably about the JW's after that.They got him where it hurt and made him happy because they gave him hope. I had a very hard time keeping my mouth shut. It hurt that I had nothing to offer ..
Later when he died his non-JW memorial was terrible..they knew nothing about him and you could tell in the ministers talk.My Mom had isolated him from his friends and relatives (She was mentally unstable) and he spent his life taking care of her. Sadly I was a JW for many years and didn't help him like I should have. The reason being my parents were worldly and the witnesses made me believe I should spend my time serving "Jehovah"
Now..I just attended a service for my ex-daughter in law's dad. He died suddenly after finding out he had terminal cancer. ( two weeks)
Again..the minister knew nothing about him. He was a wonderful father..He really loved his kids and you could tell. But the minister talked briefly about him and spent the rest of the time talking about his own trips to Israel and other places.The good part was they let his grown grandson give a short talk about him first .I think that is a good idea..I wish more were funerals would do that.
They also had pictures of him on boards stacked on easels set up all around the room.It told his life story...
It overall was a wonderful funeral..He was greatly loved..not for his money as he spent most of it helping whoever needed it.And whenever they needed it.He was a terrific guy..
But through all that..I remember the wonderful look in my Dad's eyes when my JW MIL told him he would see my Mom again..strange how life works isn't it.
Snoozy..who would rather attend a "worldly" funeral over a JW funeral anyday!!!!