I love this board because there are so many " oh my gosh .. you too?" moments. Sometimes people wonder silently.. am I the only one that thinks this? And here its nice to know we aren't alone.
I too dislike the way memorial services are done. Doesn't memorial mean to remember the deceased? I went to one funeral of a relative a few years ago . She used to be a pioneer but quit going.. contracted aids and hep C. She was addicted to pain meds among other things like cocaine. She smoked and elders knew about it. But she still attended meetings occasionally because her mom took her. When she died I was actually shocked that she got a KH memorial service and even more suprised that they told about how spiritual and dedicated she was...yada yada yada. The talk had nothing of real truth about who she was. It was insulting. After it was over I turned to another relative of mine that just became a pastor and told him I want him to give my memorial service. I don't want my death remembered by a JW talk about how I am better off dead. I want a party!