JWs funerals.......forget about the dead person lets preach!

by new boy 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rayvin

    I love this board because there are so many " oh my gosh .. you too?" moments. Sometimes people wonder silently.. am I the only one that thinks this? And here its nice to know we aren't alone.

    I too dislike the way memorial services are done. Doesn't memorial mean to remember the deceased? I went to one funeral of a relative a few years ago . She used to be a pioneer but quit going.. contracted aids and hep C. She was addicted to pain meds among other things like cocaine. She smoked and elders knew about it. But she still attended meetings occasionally because her mom took her. When she died I was actually shocked that she got a KH memorial service and even more suprised that they told about how spiritual and dedicated she was...yada yada yada. The talk had nothing of real truth about who she was. It was insulting. After it was over I turned to another relative of mine that just became a pastor and told him I want him to give my memorial service. I don't want my death remembered by a JW talk about how I am better off dead. I want a party!

  • LongHairGal

    It seems in recent years they have taken to hogging the limelight at mixed (JW and non-JW) funerals and very sneakily turning it into a small Sunday meeting (gotta fool these worldly people into attending).

    They are lucky they even know the name of the deceased. It is nothing but a publicity fest for them. Very tacky. I am wondering if one day a non-JW relative loses their temper and tells one of them off.


  • garybuss

    (The Watchtower, Oct. 15, 1952, p.639)
    Questions from Readers
    But dedicated Christians arrange for a witness to the truth at the funeral. This is taking advantage of an opportunity.
    These funeral occasions afforded great opportunities for a witness concerning the Kingdom and Messiah, and that is what funeral occasions are being used for by many of Jehovah's witnesses in these days, and extensive witnesses are being given both by the funeral discourse and by other brothers in attendance at such funerals.

    (The Watchtower, June 15, 1950, p.192)
    But consecrated Christians arrange for a witness to the truth at the funeral. This is taking advantage of an opportunity.

    (Yearbook 1970, p.139)
    Country Reports (Part One)
    Though most people would never think of attending a meeting of the Witnesses, no fewer than 185 attended the funeral, the highest attendance ever for a talk by Jehovah's witnesses.

    (The Watchtower, Oct 15, 1990, p.31)
    Questions From Readers
    Unbelieving relatives, neighbors, or business associates attending the funeral of a Christian have been favorably impressed by the large number of Witnesses present and thus have been more receptive to the Biblical truths presented.

    (The Watchtower June 1 1977, p.346)
    Mourning and Funerals-For Whom?
    There is also the matter of giving a witness to Bible truths. Usually a funeral is attended by neighbors, acquaintances, business associates and relatives, who may not be believers.

    (Awake! July 22, 1992, p.9)
    The Sting of Death Removed
    That is why the funeral services of Jehovah's Witnesses stand out as different from others. ? They mourn, but not excessively.

    (Our Kingdom Ministry, March 1997, p.7)

    *When the congregation is called upon to assist in arranging for a funeral, the following questions may arise:

    When granting the use of the Kingdom Hall, the elders will consider whether it is customarily expected to see the casket present at the funeral. If it is, they might permit it to be brought into the hall.

  • new boy
    new boy

    SO many great posts by everone!

    Great Post Mary!.............outline of funeral talk.

    Lady Liberty..........No! I didn't just go to a JW funeral........but my sister is dying of cancer........So it looks like I will be back in a KH soon, after 5 1/2 years away..........That will be real fun me and my Dad! If it wasn't for him (he is 84 and hates the JWs as much as me) I would do something crazy there.

    You all are so right............There preaching funeral talk shots them in the foot. People walk out of there with "are these people NUTS"

    My Nazis JW mother wouldn't even let us kids go to my Grandfathers funeral because it was a place of demons...........the catholic church.

    sick! sick! sick!

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    When my father died suddenly that was our ONE stipulation; that they not turn it into just that, we'd attended too many Witness memorials before and knew better. They humoured us because he was an elder and so well loved in the congregation. Each child was allowed to write a memorial that was read before they got on with the sales pitch. That is the only Witness funeral that I have attended in which the majority of it wasn't a recruitment session.

  • Nosferatu

    The last JW "funeral" I attended was in 2000 (I left the org in 1996). The first five minutes were nice, but the other forty minutes put me back into daydream land, just like I had done four years previous. The sad thing was that I contemplated whether to attend or not, and I decided to attend to give my "respects" to my JW friend (who wasn't all that strong in the troof). He probably would have preferred it if I didn't attend.

    When my mother cacks, I'll probably show up at the KH just for "fellowship". I'll tell them all what a horrible mother she was, and how she loved hearing the sound of children being beaten. Maybe I'll pass out cards with the Silentlambs website on them. Might as well try to get something positive out of my mother's worthless life. I couldn't give a shit what they say from the platform about her, because it'll be just as mindless as she was.

    People just better hope that her worldly relatives take her ashes. If nobody else claims them, I will feel the duty to give her a meaningful burial. I will keep them beside my toilet. Whenever I need to take a piss, I'll sprinkle a bit of mom in the toilet, urinate on the ashes, and flush.

  • Hortensia

    "Though most people would never think of attending a meeting of the Witnesses, no fewer than 185 attended the funeral, the highest attendance ever for a talk by Jehovah's witnesses."

    Of course, they weren't attending a talk by JWs, they were attending a funeral hijacked by JWs. Smug, self-righteous, arrogant, uncaring. The last JW memorial I ever went to was when my mother died. People I had known my whole life, who in a normal world would have been glad to see me and would want to catch up and talk about my mother, gave me pointed looks and pointed comments about what a wonderful person my mother was, implying of course that I am an ungrateful serpent of a daughter. They didn't live with her, so they only knew the public face. She wasn't as awful as Nosferatu's mother, in fact not a bad person, just a mindless smug JW. So glad I don't have to deal with any of those awful people any more, no matter who dies, I'm not going to another funeral.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Just thought I get another one out of the bone yard for the newbies


  • new boy
    new boy

    Just thought I get another one out of the bone yard for the newbies


  • new boy
    new boy

    Just thought I get another one out of the bone yard for the newbies


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