When my dad died his service was so impersonal. The best thing about it was the family pictures set all around the room. A brother I had never met gave the memorial, he was a friend of my step mother's. None of his family are Witnesses. He had 9 brothers and sisters. It would have been nice to be able to give memories, read a favorite poem, or play his favorite Jimi Hendrix song. I remember feeling it would never end, and as the bro preached away, my aunt was shaking her head no the whole time. My grandma didn't even go, she didn't want to hear it. She stayed home and looked at old pictures and cried.
JWs funerals.......forget about the dead person lets preach!
by new boy 54 Replies latest jw friends
Great thread.
I recall going to a Witness wedding. The elder was going on that much that i recall saying to my wife in a whisper "He will get the watchtower out any minute now."
She wasnt impressed but nor was I that this guy should garble on about everything and finally remember what he was there for.
Also the last conv i went to was a baptism talk. Same deal. The Elder rumbled on almost 'closed the meeting in prayer' and in the course of the baptism talk got the candidate gender wrong twice.. yes the one candidate.
and whats this about baptisms being pushed aside as part of lunch.?
Once, I attended a funeral for the mother of an elder. The mother was a baptist. That didn't stop the man from talking about the "real truth behind death".