First---Thank you, Lady Lee, for providing the articles on rape. The one on marital rape is especially catching my eye now.
Now, the question, and I welcome any serious answers: My boys are all seriously alienated from me by my abusive JW ex-husband, who has physical custody (because of my physical health limitations). My oldest one, the final one now, just a few days ago has made the decision to cut off from me because of his dad's lying influence; and I have always felt like I cannot tell my kids what their dad was doing during the marriage. Rape was only one of the forms of abuse he perpetrated against me back then.
A friend sent me a webpage link about parental alienation syndrome, and I was thinking about sending it in an email to my oldest son. I am also thinking about sending the info Lady Lee has posted about marital rape and male rape (that one outlines responses to rape in general). Any suggestions about the advisability of doing this and what, if anything, I might say? As it is, I don't even know if he would open an email from me.
He has already said that "nothing short of dad being a serial killer could justify my leaving him," and that anything I could say that could seem to justify my leaving could only be a PACK OF LIES.... [with heavy, spitting emphasis]
I have already tried--twice--to get legal aid, but since I am a NON-custodial parent, they do not have funding to extend their volunteer services to me.
I just want to have a healthy, honest relationship with my boys and, if possible, to help them NOT turn out to their dad, in all the wrong ways....